forum lgbtq crew <3
Started by @jeffery-the-bunny- wc

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@Cackla-the-Phantasma group

shrug idk. my tism just lets me be in the moment so I never pick up on the "ur gay so that's ur personality". I really only joke about it so much now bc I'm fully out and REALLY fucking happy. like- I'm transitioning, people are using my preferred pronouns bc I'm 18 and they cant go run and tell my mother (bc I'm finally free from her) and I feel safer. but otherwise I'm still chill. just- more happy and out of "hey this is me YAY!"


Just realized how much of an attack that other comment sounded like.

Sorry about that.

When I said that, I didn't mean people who playfully point out themselves or their friends. Just moreso the people who just act differently when someone breaks down the closet walls.

I love it when people like you just let loose your true self. Makes me wanna smile on the inside alongside the outside.

Sorry if this sounded a bit too much.

@Cackla-the-Phantasma group

? no? ur good XD I didn't think you were being too much or anything. I was just sharing my thoughts. (ur talking to tism dude- I'm not gonna take things to heart)

Phew. Thought I accidentally screwed up some unspoken rule on social interactions lmao.

Guess when I was reading your comment, I just made the connection that oh shoot. Message had an unintentional double meaning.

Alright then ^^

@Eli-the-transboi group

? no? ur good XD I didn't think you were being too much or anything. I was just sharing my thoughts. (ur talking to tism dude- I'm not gonna take things to heart)

Phew. Thought I accidentally screwed up some unspoken rule on social interactions lmao.

Guess when I was reading your comment, I just made the connection that oh shoot. Message had an unintentional double meaning.

Alright then ^^

XD ur ok, bestie. I promise. online hugs and offers Skittles

@Dayzed local_movies

i fucking LOVE nimona, that was one of the best animations and storytelling i've ever seen for a kid's show

Me too ^^

duuuuude no cause you're so real for that, i sobbed so hard with the ending scene too- i really didn't think i would cry cause i went into it going "haha this is gonna be a fun chaotic movie to watch :)"

and i was just wrong… XD

Yeah…. I didn't read the graphic novel before this so I just thought this movie was just a fun Rollercoaster for crazy anarchist punks (Like me :p).

I remember thinking during the earlier portion of the film that "I see many many parts of myself in both Ballister and Nimona".

Then it went to the climax with the statue, then I was vindicated.


As someone who

, it hid hard. Real hard.

Felt like my heart was ripped out of its chest, stomped on the ground, but given a bandaid and hugs, just leaving me there on the ground. A bleeding heart I guess.

Guess I was right about me seeing a lot of myself in Nimona lol.

YESSSS ANARCHIST PUNKS FOR THE WINNN!! i'm more of a goth punk myself but i love love love my punk pals :))

also same here! i related to both of them heavily and for the same reasons as you stated, i think that's also why the ending hit so hard for me too XD
for me it was a lot of the "you're worth saving and having someone look at you. really look at you" but i'm such a sucker for that theme in media in general haha

i hope you're doing well though from the stuff you mentioned- i know that for a lot of us it's a life time struggle with depression and whatnot
but also yesssss its exactly how you described it! i also felt that way and i think you put it into perfect words 😊

@Dayzed local_movies

comes back covered in glitter and pride jewelery, with stickers, candy, pride flags and snacks AYEEEEEEE- just got back from the gayest date I've ever had. :D I'm full on sushi, popping boba, ice cream and Skittles.

also also wooooo!! that sounds like a lotta fun- i kept getting told by people that i should go cause it would be nice but i didn't have a ride 😔
i'm glad you had fun though! also the outfit was a whole mood XD

@Eli-the-transboi group

XD slay

and yeah we did. she had on a pride shirt and I had my pants cuffed and had a tucked in plad shirt. eyebrow slit and pride bracelets included XD (as well as combat boots-)

@Dayzed local_movies

XD slay

and yeah we did. she had on a pride shirt and I had my pants cuffed and had a tucked in plad shirt. eyebrow slit and pride bracelets included XD (as well as combat boots-)

an eyebrow slit!!! i've been wanting to do mine again XD

@Eli-the-transboi group

XDD trans guy here. every now and then I'll forget I have boobs entirely, then look down and be compleatly startled like "Oh shi- oh right-" what's weird now is that I'm less and less aware I was born female, so ive just stopped really wearing bras unless I remember to or go out somewhere. I've also been socially transitioning, meaning I catch myself just casually bringing up that I have a girlfriend.

now that I think of it, now that I'm out of my situation I actually feel safer to be more open. bc what's gonna happen? someone says they'll tell my mother? bitch I AM my parent, fuck off.

@gay_corgi group

It's like looking down and seeing scales on your arm

…like a werewolf? frantically trying to recall being bitten by a werewoman

Like you just sort of know it isn't supposed to be there. Shocking and confusing