forum Introduce yourself!
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@saor_illust school


i wanna go to japan this summer
and i hope corona doesn't cancel our trip

like,,, this is why i'm always so excited to meet japanese people
cause it's so cool!!!

You might meet me on your trip if you’re coming to Kyoto :)
But we’ll probably just pass each other if we do meet XD

sdfkjldsfjkfdj I think we are passing through Kyoto, if we ever get to go!
I'm really excited and i swear if they cancel the trip too, (they just cancelled the rest of the school year for me) ima be so sad T-T

@saor_illust school

i just wanna meet my japanese friend in uh i think it's called a prefecture?? that's called tottori, i believe that's how it's spelled
she was gonna come visit my family in america for a couple days, as part of an agreement between their school and mine (they send a couple students over for homestay for a few days)
but then the stupid coronavirus had to ruin the plans

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I think she lives in my city in the summer, but she lives in Japan the rest of the time. We used to write letters every once in a while, but we stopped. I might try writing to her if I can find one of her letters, though.


and the Oura church in Nagasaki, that place is stunning-

I just looked at pictures and now I wanna go

I saw a video of it once and it’s really breathtaking

if i’m remembering correctly, up the pathway to the left is this mini waterfall leading into a rocky pond of koi fish surrounding a crucifix statue

and then to the right there’s a few more statues, and then the church itself-
i want to go so bad

@Anemone eco

This is all great, but I think we should move this convo to another thread and let this thread be for introduction purposes.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Whats crackalackin, I'm a Christian, American girl who has unhealthy obsessions with memes, The Lunar Chronicles, and Dancing With the Stars. I'm a bit of a shy extrovert, in that I'm talkative and open with people I know but clam up with new people. I'm a huge cat person (though I also love dogs) and am fascinated by outer space. Music is a huge part of my life, and I'd honestly like to be a singer except I have a terrible voice. I dream of being a published author, competing on Dancing With the Stars, and/or having a show on HGTV!

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Hi! I'm Maya, but everybody calls me Ash. I'm also a shy extrovert with a terrible voice, although I'm sure your voice is great! I like One Piece and Thomas Sanders(some might say I have a problem), and I'm kind of an artist. I want to eventually have a manga and/or a book series published, but that probably won't happen anytime soon.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Thank you so much Izzy! I've been loving it here - I used to be on Storybird but left after they started charging (I was paying for membership benefits anyway but they upped the price of those too and took away a lot of things). Since then I've been wanting a new writing community and I think I've found it! :)

Deleted user

Hello Sun (can I call you that?)! I'm Gasper, a big lofi fan in the corner, a bisexual wreck, and a cursed image dealer.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

You can totally call me Sun! :) I'm extremely prone to sunburn so it's funny in an ironic way to me. (I once got a sunburn at the Lowe's garden center because my mom took too long picking out plants. That tells you everything you need to know.)


Hello everyone!
My name is Owen, as you can see from my very creative tag. I love film studies, cinematography, screenwriting, and short story writing. I spend too much time on YouTube and not enough time reading. I'm terrible at math and my second favorite reptile is the chameleon. Memes are my life source. I'm a language buff, even though I'm not fluent in anything except English (yet), so the duolingo owl is out to get me. Also I love cats.

I think that's an ok base line of who I am.
Can't wait to get to know you all :)


Helooo Owen!!! :D
Welcome to Notebook!
I’m Ella, the awkward artist that doesn’t actually write and has no idea how she got here.
It’s nice to meet you! <3