forum Introduce yourself!
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Ello, I'm Aleina, anyone else's name spelled weird and always pronounced wrong. I know your pain!! ;-;

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Hello Aleina, I'm Gasper. Welcome to our community. I'm a bisexual wreck who loves lofi.

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Hello, I’m asexual and aromantic mess. Nice to meet you

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Because I'm a shy blob and can't talk to anyone irl, it's so easy to talk to people online


Hello everyone,
I’m Akihiko (you can just call me Aki or whatever suits you). I’m relatively new to the concept of roleplaying so I do mess up a bit ;w;
(And yes, I’m Japanese so if you want to be friends you’ll have to deal with my sometimes broken English, srry XD)

@Anemone eco

Hello there, Aki. People around here call me Nie. You seem like a relatively nice person so far and I look forward to seeing you around in the Roleplaying sections of the site and talking to you.

@saor_illust school

rq3ijojvfkjvskjvcskjlvds you're Japanese????
that's so cool!!!!

okay now that we're passed that, welcome to notebook aki!!! i absolutely love your username, i'm izzy! we're so glad to have you here!!!

i'm looking forward getting to know you more in the future!!! and as for the broken English, that's okay! we all forget how to English sometimes aha


Hello Nie, hello Izzy!
Glad to be onboard. Hopefully, I’ll be seeing you all around. :D
Oh yeah, I think this might be important… maybe(?).
I’m already friends with one a-hole on this site, though we met elsewhere. If I remember correctly, he uses the name Altrince?
(I think I spelt it right…)
Any of you know him?


Hopefully he doesn’t find me just yet.
Can you two keep my existence a secret from him for now?
I wanna surprise him in a roleplay or something, idrk :/


Well, it’s been a while since I last talked to him and I “think” my English has been improving since then so I’m curious what his reaction will be upon finding out that I’m on his favorite website, roleplaying with him or something. I haven’t thought that part through just yet XD

@Anemone eco

I'll tell you this, dude, and I swear I'm not kidding. Your English is actually better than some native English speakers I've seen/heard.