forum Introduce yourself!
Started by @andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

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As much as I don’t believe that, at the same time I do because speaking as it is, my English is probably better than my native language at this point. That Thai dude (Kun) probably knows what I mean.

@Anemone eco

I dunno. I'd like to think I was kidding when I said "me", but I'm beginning to doubt it more and more by the day. But perhaps I just need to sleep more.

Honestly, I can speak two languages but I don't know how to speak either of them, so I kinda feel your pain.

Deleted user

Hello everyone,
I’m Akihiko (you can just call me Aki or whatever suits you). I’m relatively new to the concept of roleplaying so I do mess up a bit ;w;
(And yes, I’m Japanese so if you want to be friends you’ll have to deal with my sometimes broken English, srry XD)

hello, welcome. Fun fact, I'm part Japanese, but I don't speak any Japanese -w-


To be frankly honest with you, I speak horrifyingly basic Japanese and it sucks because I’m a highschooler with the language level of a preteen or even worse. But, it does help that I take English Program courses so English for the win for me XD

Deleted user

Hello everyone,
I’m Akihiko (you can just call me Aki or whatever suits you). I’m relatively new to the concept of roleplaying so I do mess up a bit ;w;
(And yes, I’m Japanese so if you want to be friends you’ll have to deal with my sometimes broken English, srry XD)

hello, welcome. Fun fact, I'm part Japanese, but I don't speak any Japanese -w-

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Hopefully he doesn’t find me just yet.
Can you two keep my existence a secret from him for now?
I wanna surprise him in a roleplay or something, idrk :/

That's really cool. Hopefully Kun won't see this. And congratulations on improving! I only can speak English, but I have an inkling of how hard it is to speak another.

Also my first thought when I saw you was moderate excitement because I have a character named Aki. Dead unfortunately, poor girl.

@saor_illust school


i wanna go to japan this summer
and i hope corona doesn't cancel our trip

like,,, this is why i'm always so excited to meet japanese people
cause it's so cool!!!


it’s just such a beautiful country…
there’s apparently an art store in Tokyo that’s 12 floors high and visiting it is currently the only thing on my bucket list



i wanna go to japan this summer
and i hope corona doesn't cancel our trip

like,,, this is why i'm always so excited to meet japanese people
cause it's so cool!!!

You might meet me on your trip if you’re coming to Kyoto :)
But we’ll probably just pass each other if we do meet XD

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

it’s just such a beautiful country…
there’s apparently an art store in Tokyo that’s 12 floors high and visiting it is currently the only thing on my bucket list