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Hello? I'm spiffycat - I just joined a day ago. I was a Chatterboxer (I'm not sure if any of you know what that is, just putting it out there). And . . . I've been creating a world for a while now, and I thought it would be nice to find a website specifically for world building. And . . . .I'm a writer. And an artist. It's fun! I might not be on here very much. But hi!!!!!!!

@saor_illust school

Oh! Welcome spiffycat! You can call me Izzy (Or Dizzy, either one works XD but I'm usually called Izzy)! I'm so excited to meet you! If you need anything at all, don't be afraid to @ me! (What I mean by that is taking an @ symbol and putting my username after it. For example, I can @ myself - @izzyandviolins)


Hi I am Anna. i joined notebook bcs i needed a place for my characters to grow up and have a nice life until i finally write them into my story. so yeah…. i am weird and i love books,star wars, and a multitude of other things. Follow me on Pinterest at wwWolfgirl and AEH13. wwWolfgirl is me and AEH13 is my writing page. it has my story things

@saor_illust school

Welcome Anna! You can call me Izzy (Or Dizzy, either one works XD but I'm usually called Izzy)! I'm so excited to meet you! If you need anything at all, don't be afraid to @ me! (What I mean by that is taking an @ symbol and putting my username after it. For example, I can @ myself - @izzyandviolins)

And, in case you don't know, Shuri here, is pretty amazing! Of course, he's only one of the many amazing people on here, but, I have about three-five inspiring messages from him in my PMs. Thanks again Shuri, those really make my day. You don't have to apologize for sending them :)


omg thank you so much @Shuri-Nerites-is-a-shrimp-again here are my websites
Skylan Akeakamai Gealen My cinnamon roll
Ara Sonia Crystalis My cinnamon roll's SOUL-MATE
and my story so far. this is told in two parts Skylan's part and Ara's part. i am writing with a friend and this is my chapter. ARA SKYLAN

@saor_illust school

See if I click on one of the links I get -

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