forum Introduce yourself!
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@Mojack group

hey, so i made an intro here a long time ago but i went inactive, so i'm gonna start over again.

My name is Kossie/SnapDragon, I'm from Belarus, but I recently immigrated (and still in the progress of with getting everything sorted, so i'll probably have random pauses every now and then) to Canada. if i make any grammar errors let me know, but i'm a bit better with typing online as compared to speaking in real life since autocorrect helps a bit. i've been told i have good english though, so there's that.

i've always had an interest in writing and RP, i've typically used it as outlet for a lot of things. i enjoy rping sometimes, as it helps with ideas and character buildings, plus it is also fun in general. i started developing my own world recently though the early writing in it goes back to 5+ years ago, i just decided to revamp everything.

i'm he/him/his, ace/heteroromantic, and very tired.

Hello! even though I already know you, I hope you enjoy your stay! And don’t be afraid to ask any questions if you need any, this is a very good community.

@saor_illust school

hey, so i made an intro here a long time ago but i went inactive, so i'm gonna start over again.

My name is Kossie/SnapDragon, I'm from Belarus, but I recently immigrated (and still in the progress of with getting everything sorted, so i'll probably have random pauses every now and then) to Canada. if i make any grammar errors let me know, but i'm a bit better with typing online as compared to speaking in real life since autocorrect helps a bit. i've been told i have good english though, so there's that.

i've always had an interest in writing and RP, i've typically used it as outlet for a lot of things. i enjoy rping sometimes, as it helps with ideas and character buildings, plus it is also fun in general. i started developing my own world recently though the early writing in it goes back to 5+ years ago, i just decided to revamp everything.

i'm he/him/his, ace/heteroromantic, and very tired.

Oh welcome Kossie! It's true, you have a really good sense of writing english and spelling and whatnot, considering English isn't your first language. There is an amazing community here, ready to support you if you need it! I've actually relied on them for a couple of things, and I've even made some friends! I hope you enjoy your time here, and if you ever need any help navigating 'round Notebook, just let me know!


hey guys what's up ! nice to see lots of friendly people around here ^u^ it's also good to know that this is such a friendly community. if anyone wants to rp or just talk, go ahead and hit me up !! i'm always up for it


Hey, I'm Logan. Been on here for a while now, getting used to the environment. Coping with life. How's everyone today? :3

Deleted user

Hello there, I'm Kayla. I'm a socially awkward bubble that is depressed and locks myself in my room daily. I began writing at 9 years old when my teacher told me i excel at creative writing ( BTW I'm not that old rn though. ) Now I have two permanent gay OCs that also have mental disorders.
I like Warrior cats, anime, K-pop, BTS, Stray Kids, Aussie Line and all things memes.

I'm lonely.

@CasiCasino group

I don’t think I’ve introduced myself here…?

Greetings all you beautiful human beings,

I’m Altrince / Silver from Thailand, a high schooler, who’s the co-creator and author of Shattered Hourglass, its sequel; Heart of Stone, Soul of Sand and currently writing the last of the series before releasing the whole story online; Six Feet Under the Desert.

I’m a Fantasy / Mystery / Dark writer who’s also a wannabe poet.

I would describe myself as an easy-going, sometimes serious, but I can also be extremely lazy at times. (It happens XD)

Even though I am from Thailand, I’m in love with Chinese and Japanese culture and their music.
(I’m a Vocaloid and J-Rock boi btw)

I’m also a part-time tutor at a small tutoring place who uses songs on YouTube and stories on to teach my juniors basic English.

Last and possibly the most important thing about me, I’m in a relationship and in love with this adorable bean!! (Luv ya~~)

—> @EWS-SwimwithGamers <—

@CasiCasino group

(Thank you! Even though that’s only somewhat true, the story’s aren’t as great as I’d hoped they would be XP)
(If you’re interested, once I get around to finishing all of them I’d send you the link to the first one when it’s out)
(They’re short novels after all, only a hundred something pages per book)


Um… I thought maybe it was time people around here knew about my alt account? I don't really use this account much, but hey!~ I'm Izzy, my main account is @EWS-izzy and, uh. Yes, that's me. Not sure what else to put here, if you'd like to learn more about me visit my main account!~

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

So, I think I posted something a long time ago but it doesn't hurt to re-introduce myself.

I'm Coral, but you can call me Swim. I'm writing something similar to MCU or Stephen King extended universe with the diverse number of novels and canon materials I am writing.

I've written the lyrics to three published Vocaloid songs (soon to be four!), I write poetry occasionally (usually on accident), and I dabble in many different genres with my writings.

I consider myself antisocial most of the time, but I'm willing to talk for hours about one of my fandoms if it comes up. I also switch between being the mom friend to being the crazy one a lot. It drives my friends nuts XD. I can also be extremely lazy and a huge procrastinator. I love to roleplay (especially romance and fantasy), but I haven't been able to much due to lack of energy and creative block.

I'm completely obsessed with Japan, and am teaching myself Japanese (as you can see XD). I am from the middle of nowhere, Indiana. (Which I've been informed that people don't really think of as an actual state)

And most importantly, I'm dating the most amazing person ever!! (love you too~)

<3 @Altrince_is_always_here_for_you

@saor_illust school

That's awesome Swim! If you ever need any advice on Japanese, I'm here! I love Japan too, and hope to visit Japan someday! (Not to mention I'm in a Japanese class at school so there's that.) よくできました!


hi! im 𝔧𝔦𝔪𝔦𝔫 𝔟𝔞𝔟𝔶, hopeless romantic and traveler extraordinare. im hungarian, and speak 3 main lanuges, japanese, english and hungarian, but im planning on learning french and more of my native language.
i love writing, and i have been using a system smilar to notebook that i created in a real notebook since i was 5. i love to write, listen to kpop and travel, and i think rabbits are the cutest animals on earth.


Hi! im spleen and i just found this place again after like 2 years. I like to draw a lot and write comics that i also may or may not get around to drawing. I thought it would be fun to make another account on here so i could track my ocs going into the future, as my old page had info on a lot of ocs and plots i had completely forgotten about. Other than that i really like riot grrl music, biology, and designing characters! my art accounts are all @ spoorbs . Nice to meet you all!

@saor_illust school

hi! im 𝔧𝔦𝔪𝔦𝔫 𝔟𝔞𝔟𝔶, hopeless romantic and traveler extraordinare. im hungarian, and speak 3 main lanuges, japanese, english and hungarian, but im planning on learning french and more of my native language.
i love writing, and i have been using a system smilar to notebook that i created in a real notebook since i was 5. i love to write, listen to kpop and travel, and i think rabbits are the cutest animals on earth.

eeeeee that's so cool! i hope that i get to know you better in the future, you seem like a really cool person!

@saor_illust school

Hi! im spleen and i just found this place again after like 2 years. I like to draw a lot and write comics that i also may or may not get around to drawing. I thought it would be fun to make another account on here so i could track my ocs going into the future, as my old page had info on a lot of ocs and plots i had completely forgotten about. Other than that i really like riot grrl music, biology, and designing characters! my art accounts are all @ spoorbs . Nice to meet you all!

also welcome!

Deleted user

Good evening fellow writers! The name's Remmy, or Rem for short. I look forward to getting to know y'all as time goes on. ^^

@saor_illust school

Ooooo! Welcome! I look forward to getting to know you three new ones! I hope you guys really enjoy the community here on Notebook, and the world-building tools that having a Notebook account comes with!