forum Introduce yourself!
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@saor_illust school

Aha welcome Sunny! I wonder, are you also up for roleplaying?

Izzy!! :D Yes, sure! ^^ Did you have an idea in mind? I'm totally down >w<

Sunny!! Awesome! Nah, didn't really. Here, I'll summon you really quickly to a thread, meet you there!


Not really introducing myself, but I want to say something. A S.W.A.T team member just told my sister that we needed to lock up the house! Sorry for the randomness, I just wanted to say it.


They say there is a shooter in the neighborhood. What makes it worse is I run my own in home daycare, so I have other people's children IN MY HOUSE!


Hey there, i'm dupliciaa. i've been in the writing/roleplay/worldbuilding scene for a while now, probably since like 2010 when i was 13. I'm currently working on a fantasy world where witches and humans have a long time feud. I've been working on this story for about two years now and i have more characters than i probably need lol. i'm not sure if i want it to be a book or a comic or an animation or what, so i'm still working on that! anyway, i'm always down to chat and i'd love to make some friends here, so please let me know if you'd like to roleplay or chat or anything like that! also i'm always open to critiques so if you wanna check out my characters and give me some advice, please do. but do keep in mind that a lot of the profiles i have on my characters and such are not completed yet. thanks for reading !

@saor_illust school

Welcome! I'm Izzy, is there any specific name or alias we can call you by? There is an amazing community here, and that's actually one of the reasons I became more active on Notebook after a while!

Deleted user

Hey Ya'll. Me again. Imma just say, anyone who wants a fantasy roleplay, just ping me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


@izzyandviolins idk if that question was towards me or not but yall can just call me dupliciaa or dupe ! if you wanna get more personal, i also go by nova ! i'm excited to get to know people here !

@TeamMezzo group

Hey! Nice to meet you Dupliciaa! We're the Mezzo System, aka Team Mezzo, aka hey you. We're a DID system of about 16, Ben here, he/him, nice to meet you!

@saor_illust school

Dissociative Identity Disorder. That means Mezzo has about 16 alters. I've met I think like two of them, Ben is the third one I think. But I don't really know, I'm not on too much anymore. I'm sure Mezzo can give you more information!

Deleted user

hey, so i made an intro here a long time ago but i went inactive, so i'm gonna start over again.

My name is Kossie/SnapDragon, I'm from Belarus, but I recently immigrated (and still in the progress of with getting everything sorted, so i'll probably have random pauses every now and then) to Canada. if i make any grammar errors let me know, but i'm a bit better with typing online as compared to speaking in real life since autocorrect helps a bit. i've been told i have good english though, so there's that.

i've always had an interest in writing and RP, i've typically used it as outlet for a lot of things. i enjoy rping sometimes, as it helps with ideas and character buildings, plus it is also fun in general. i started developing my own world recently though the early writing in it goes back to 5+ years ago, i just decided to revamp everything.

i'm he/him/his, ace/heteroromantic, and very tired.

@TeamMezzo group

Dissociative Identity Disorder. That means Mezzo has about 16 alters. I've met I think like two of them, Ben is the third one I think. But I don't really know, I'm not on too much anymore. I'm sure Mezzo can give you more information!

thank you for explaining this izzy, i can give an alter list at some point, i don't have the energy/willpower to do so right now though