forum Introduce yourself!
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Heya Void! I'm Pesky…or Otter whatever you wanna call me. ^-^ There is no need to be nervous for being new! We are all super supportive and happy here. I'm sure you will be accepted into the Notebook family quickly! :P



Dude. The hearing world is so WEIRD.

Is there always all this random ass noise all the time?
Are things really this loud? o.O

(In other words, Sinae finally FINALLY, after 37 years of being mostly deaf, got her hearing aids.)

(She is also INCREDIBLY weirded out by the loud af world.)


sinae that's awesome!!! :D


tbh, I think my grandfather is more excited than me. He's been all smiley and bouncy all morning, and has texted me about 3 times about how happy he is I can finally hear properly.

I'm still following sounds around the house I've never heard before and being surprised by said object (dishwasher, clock, fridge, etc.) actually MAKING sounds I can hear. The AC at my mother's house went from 'maybe very light hum if I can hear it at all' to 'wtf is that roaring sound?'


sinae that's awesome!!! :D


tbh, I think my grandfather is more excited than me. He's been all smiley and bouncy all morning, and has texted me about 3 times about how happy he is I can finally hear properly.

I'm still following sounds around the house I've never heard before and being surprised by said object (dishwasher, clock, fridge, etc.) actually MAKING sounds I can hear. The AC at my mother's house went from 'maybe very light hum if I can hear it at all' to 'wtf is that roaring sound?'

oof 😂😂


Aww Sinae! Good for you! That's awesome! Oof yeah…didnt think of how loud everything is…must be a weird change to get used to.


There's just one problem:
I am genuinely freaking out about this.
I thought that the world would be a slightly louder version of the one I was used to…
But it's not even close.
I'm hearing things I've legit NEVER heard before. And it's really weirding my ass out.
I don't know what to do, though.

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Err Hello everyone! I'm Sweet+Spicy, but you can call me Mae. I was introduced to this website a month or so ago, but I didn't do anything, I didn't create anything or look at any discussions or anything. I just recently had some character ideas and stuff, so what better time to finally start using this website!
So I'm also pretty new to writing and really planning out characters and that kind of thing, I've really been working on that lately. So yeah, I hope this was a good intro!


Hi Mae! I'm Sinae. Welcome to the fam~
We have discussion boards galore filled with people who will be more than willing to help you with whatever you need, as well as fun ones to just make friends~
Don't be shy to chat with us!

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Thank you so much! I have looked around a bit, started chatting a bit, and I have met a few people. I like it here so I'm definitely going to be here for a while!


Thank you so much! I have looked around a bit, started chatting a bit, and I have met a few people. I like it here so I'm definitely going to be here for a while!

Good! We love having new friends~

So, if you don't mind my asking: what are your genres?
I'm comedic fantasy, psychological thriller, and YA general fiction, personally. My main work right now is in the comedic fantasy genre, despite being based in Seoul~

Deleted user

I'm still kinda developing my kind of genre. I like YA, romance, and general fiction. But I still really need to work on my own style/genre.


Hello! I'm Paul Reed but you can call me Reed, I like puns and if you can't tell by my name I like name puns. I'm more of a fantasy writer but I do draw. I'm a practicing witch, not Wiccan, I'm an atheist.