forum Introduce yourself!
Started by @andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

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hola. i'm scirocco (like the volkswagen) and i'm just a casual artist and writer of original characters that is studying engineering and industrial design. my inspiration comes from the myriad of movies i watch and the experimental music i listen to. name a b movie and i've probably seen it at least twice. xoxo


hola. i'm scirocco (like the volkswagen) and i'm just a casual artist and writer of original characters that is studying engineering and industrial design. my inspiration comes from the myriad of movies i watch and the experimental music i listen to. name a b movie and i've probably seen it at least twice. xoxo

Annyeong Scirocco~

As for the B movies, what about Plan 9 from Outer Space and Evil Bong?


I'm Sam, currently I'm trying to stop myself from expanding my already massive world to focus on writing the story, with very little success. I don't remember how I came up with, but I've spent the last year or so getting to know it in my head and falling in love with the characters I made, and now I'm finally getting stuff written down! Current goals are to turn it into a game and a comic, with possible books of backstory that I've already started writing without having even finished chapter 0 of the real story. PS: If you like my story and you want to help with writing and/or art AND you're an amateur, DM me!

@Knight-Shives group

Hi Sam, nice to meet you(Meet? Greet?). I'm Shives, the major procrastinator. Sounds like you have some cool ideas and half of the time i don't write I just fantasize in my head of how it would all go.

Deleted user

Hullo Sam! I'm Noah, sometimes Sebastian, nice to meet ya! maybe you should let your brain stomach barf onto the page?


Same, it's so much easier in my head because I don't have to explain why things happen, I just know because I can go and talk to the people involved and ask why they're doing things and it's really simple. Writing is h a r d


Hullo Sam! I'm Noah, sometimes Sebastian, nice to meet ya! maybe you should let your brain stomach barf onto the page?

I do do that, that's how I ended up with a thousand words on how Gods fought against Nature millions of years before the story happened but wrote exactly nothing on actual story


안녕하세요 Sam~ I'm Sinae (pronounced SHE-nay.) Welcome to the world of 'what do you mean I have to have a plot/actually write/can't just play? ^_^