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Hi, I am a person who joined to talk to my close friends!

I will be a friend! Iā€™m Kylee by the way,


Hello, I'm kinda new to this. I'm okay at making names for characters, but when I try to write them into my stories than i always make them with the same personality as me, like, EVERY SINGLE ONE. It gets really annoying. Any ideas on how I can stop doing this?

Welcome! I'm not sure what advice to give you except that you can base some of your characters after people you know.


Hey, I'm Alex.
My friend told me about this, and since I'm so ADD and disorganized, I thought I'd try it.
It's been pretty great :D


Hi, Alex! I'm Ravens. Feel free to PM me if you need anything! I say that to literally every new person smh
hugs I hope we can be friends!