forum Introduce yourself!
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Hey, call me Nova! Or whatever you want to, i don’t really care. I’m a bookworm who wants to be a good author but has minimal actual talent. I need a way to organize all of my ideas so here I am. Sci fi/ fantasy. I’m in wayyy to many fandoms and like to roleplay. Ok bye

Hi, Nova! I’m Ravens and also in too many fandoms lol


hi, i'm cae <33 i started using as a way to organize my stories, and now i'm also, uh, kinda using it to organize my brain i guess! it's just a nice tool in general.


hi, i'm cae <33 i started using as a way to organize my stories, and now i'm also, uh, kinda using it to organize my brain i guess! it's just a nice tool in general.

Hello! Yes, this is a great tool! IT's also a great place to socialize.


Hello! Yes, this is a great tool! IT's also a great place to socialize.

aka the thing I'm the most bad at irl

Same! I'm an extrovert, dang it



안녕하세요~ I'm Sinae~
I've been on Notebook AI for almost a year now, but thanks to family issues and working on my Master's degree, I've done not a whole lot recently. However, I'm between terms rn, and my family is away, more or less, so I have some time~ I keep finding more things I need to put on here, so I keep having to activate pages~
I've been writing pretty much since I could hold a pencil, and am really working on this one idea that will not leave me alone! I think I'd have to go with…not sure…possibly action adventure fantasy, if I had to pin down a genre.
I can't wait to dive back in~


안녕하세요~ I'm Sinae~
I've been on Notebook AI for almost a year now, but thanks to family issues and working on my Master's degree, I've done not a whole lot recently. However, I'm between terms rn, and my family is away, more or less, so I have some time~ I keep finding more things I need to put on here, so I keep having to activate pages~
I've been writing pretty much since I could hold a pencil, and am really working on this one idea that will not leave me alone! I think I'd have to go with…not sure…possibly action adventure fantasy, if I had to pin down a genre.
I can't wait to dive back in~

Welcome! Good luck with your story! I'll always be here if you need a friend.

Deleted user

I've been here for a while…. but I'm just gonna introduce myself.
I'm Ryuzaki and I speak my mind. Apologies in advance.


Hey! You seem like a legitimate person. If you ever need a friend on this site, I'll try my best to be here for you!

Yay~ Thank you~


안녕하세요~ I'm Sinae~
I've been on Notebook AI for almost a year now, but thanks to family issues and working on my Master's degree, I've done not a whole lot recently. However, I'm between terms rn, and my family is away, more or less, so I have some time~ I keep finding more things I need to put on here, so I keep having to activate pages~
I've been writing pretty much since I could hold a pencil, and am really working on this one idea that will not leave me alone! I think I'd have to go with…not sure…possibly action adventure fantasy, if I had to pin down a genre.
I can't wait to dive back in~

Welcome! Good luck with your story! I'll always be here if you need a friend.

Thank you~~


안녕하세요~ I'm Sinae~
I've been on Notebook AI for almost a year now, but thanks to family issues and working on my Master's degree, I've done not a whole lot recently. However, I'm between terms rn, and my family is away, more or less, so I have some time~ I keep finding more things I need to put on here, so I keep having to activate pages~
I've been writing pretty much since I could hold a pencil, and am really working on this one idea that will not leave me alone! I think I'd have to go with…not sure…possibly action adventure fantasy, if I had to pin down a genre.
I can't wait to dive back in~

Welcome! Good luck with your story! I'll always be here if you need a friend.

Thank you~~

No problem!


Ahmm hello? I am Kahlee Cassandre or Andre for short. I just love writing and creating names and characters. I saw this site at comment since a website that I used permanently deleted. I just had to find a way to store my craziness and weird thoughts. I write more on action-love story. So thats it! I hope we be friends~Kamsa


Hey there Kahlee! Nice to meet you! People around here call me Shuri, and if it means anything I would very much like to be your friend! Maybe we can bounce ideas off of each other!