forum Introduce yourself!
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Ahmm hello? I am Kahlee Cassandre or Andre for short. I just love writing and creating names and characters. I saw this site at comment since a website that I used permanently deleted. I just had to find a way to store my craziness and weird thoughts. I write more on action-love story. So thats it! I hope we be friends~Kamsa

Hello! I'm Ravens. I'd like to be your friend! 💛💛💛

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Hello, I’m Kyalki.

I like creating universes, so I assumed I would fit in here (as well as I was told about this in a conversation). I’m working on a short project with a couple others.
I live with a snake who I actually named Kya, which is part of my name. I’m looking to getting a spider in the future, sometime.

English isn’t my first language (but I’ve been learning it for a very long time) so I apologize for any grammar mistakes and if I ever seem hard to understand let me know.

I hope to do some roleplaying here.


Hi, Kyalki! I'm Ravens. I can help you with English if you need it! What's your first language?
I'd love to be your friend! 💛💛💛
What's your project about?


Well hello there! You seem to have a pleasant demeanor, and I assure you, you will fit in well!
Also, I like your taste in pets! I love snakes! And spiders!
And your English seems good enough, so don't worry!
People around here call me Shuri!

Deleted user

Thank you both!

My first language is Polish. I don’t live in Poland anymore however.
My project is kind of a short film. It’s been off and on nowadays but I’m hoping to work at it a little bit more often. It’s not gonna be anything big, just a side hobby that some friends and I liked the idea of.


Thank you both!

My first language is Polish. I don’t live in Poland anymore however.
My project is kind of a short film. It’s been off and on nowadays but I’m hoping to work at it a little bit more often. It’s not gonna be anything big, just a side hobby that some friends and I liked the idea of.

Well! That's interesting!
It is a pleasure to meet you!


Thank you both!

My first language is Polish. I don’t live in Poland anymore however.
My project is kind of a short film. It’s been off and on nowadays but I’m hoping to work at it a little bit more often. It’s not gonna be anything big, just a side hobby that some friends and I liked the idea of.

Oh cool! I don't know Polish lol. I'm fluent in Spanish, though, and I know some Italian and French.

Awesome! Is it animated or cgi or live-action, or..?


Hello, I’m Kyalki.

I like creating universes, so I assumed I would fit in here (as well as I was told about this in a conversation). I’m working on a short project with a couple others.
I live with a snake who I actually named Kya, which is part of my name. I’m looking to getting a spider in the future, sometime.

English isn’t my first language (but I’ve been learning it for a very long time) so I apologize for any grammar mistakes and if I ever seem hard to understand let me know.

I hope to do some roleplaying here.

Hello and welcome! You can call me Midnight! I'd love to be your friend and show you around. (Also I love your name)


Hi, @MidnightWarrior13 that is really cool that you like to create universes, I am really bad at that. lol Also, if you would have not said anything, I would not have known that English wasn't your first language.


Hi, @MidnightWarrior13 that is really cool that you like to create universes, I am really bad at that. lol Also, if you would have not said anything, I would not have known that English wasn't your first language.

Oh, English is my first language. I'm sorry about the misunderstanding.

Deleted user

Hello, I’m Kyalki.

I like creating universes, so I assumed I would fit in here (as well as I was told about this in a conversation). I’m working on a short project with a couple others.
I live with a snake who I actually named Kya, which is part of my name. I’m looking to getting a spider in the future, sometime.

English isn’t my first language (but I’ve been learning it for a very long time) so I apologize for any grammar mistakes and if I ever seem hard to understand let me know.

I hope to do some roleplaying here.

Hiya there Kyalki, I love the name by the way. My name is Kylee, I have one of the world’s most complicated universes with my overly detailed stuff and an alternate universe that’s just a dystopia of my regular world. I’m just a weeb, gamer hates socializing in real life human with too many problems. I’ve heard that our language english is one of the hardest to learn because of grammar, is that true? And would you hear your first language? I’m very curious, you don’t have to.


Hello, it's me: Ishi! I'm just someone who got a strange idea for a story in my head when I was young, and now since I've (eh… somewhat) realized the overall story it's time to write a book!


Hello, it's me: Ishi! I'm just someone who got a strange idea for a story in my head when I was young, and now since I've (eh… somewhat) realized the overall story it's time to write a book!

I like your attitude! I hope your book turns out great! I'm Midnight and it's nice to meet you!


Hello, it's me: Ishi! I'm just someone who got a strange idea for a story in my head when I was young, and now since I've (eh… somewhat) realized the overall story it's time to write a book!

Pleasure to meet you! You're awful lively! People around here call me Shuri!

Deleted user

Welcome to notebook! I'm Noah, sometimes Sebastian! Hope to see ya around!