forum I'm Sorry.
Started by @Natasha

people_alt 9 followers

@Imperfect_Autumn group

I have a rlly good idea but

I'm doing math rn

So I'll get back to you…..

Lol. All right, take your time.

And would you look at that, I'm on a break rn!

Lol. Sweet!




I like it, but…
It's a bit long…

Replace “to be” with “as”
Or just take out “to be” altogether


What if we make a site with a cool acronym? That way people can talk about it and not have to do say directly what it is if they feel uncomfortable talking about it to others?


Okay so like

Should we take this to a PM? Lol

Maybe include some people who would like to help with this project?


Up to you
If it’s alright I’d like to help from the side and not be the name on the blog, if you know what I mean :)

Yeah, no problemo Turtle!


Should we create a PM, then?

Yeah, who all should we include? You, me, Turtle, Hope…..anyone else? Cam probably?


Up to you
If it’s alright I’d like to help from the side and not be the name on the blog, if you know what I mean :)

Yeah, no problemo Turtle!

:D thx

Deleted user

If I left, would it affect you? If I left, would you forget me?
If I stayed, would you be glad? If I stayed, would you care?
If I made a mistake, would you leave? If I made a mistake, would you hate me?
If I let you see my brokenness, would I still matter? Do I matter?
The wind blows and the water rages. I'm still here, I'm still fighting.
But why?
I don't know, but I am. Is that enough? Is it enough just to be alive?

Honey if you left, It would affect me greatly. How could I ever forget someone like you?
Every day that you're here I'm glad and when you stay it means everything. I don't like it when you're gone.
You are human, I want you to make mistakes so you can learn from them and I will be right here, learning with you. I don't think I could ever imagine hating you. You matter so much. I know you mean a lot to me and I am positive that you do to other people as well, no doubt about that. Keep fighting but when it becomes too much and it starts to weigh you down, put some on me, let me be your levy and I will fight with you. There are times when our world feels like it is breaking down and dissolving right in front of our eyes and we might feel like it is totally out of our control. As we are stripped of things we once thought were important, as we lose things, precious things, we begin to understand that at the core of our being we are worthy of existence, not because of what we do or what we have, but because of who we are. Your life and the value you bring to the world through your own self-expression and creativity are the most priceless possessions that no one and nothing can ever take from you. You are the only you and I enjoy who you are so don't give up okay?


Lol sorry. That was deep…

I luff the deepness


Emm that's legit what I meant abt the thing we talked about earlier….
I'm kinda weirded out a little

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Lol sorry. That was deep…

I luff the deepness


Emm that's legit what I meant abt the thing we talked about earlier….
I'm kinda weirded out a little

…Wait, what was what we talked about…?

Today? Yesterday?
Very early this morning?