forum I'm Sorry.
Started by @Natasha

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I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I'm not enough. I'm sorry I bothered you. I'm sorry I annoyed you. I'm sorry that I can't hide my brokenness. I'm sorry I'm not perfect. I'm sorry I disappointed you, I'm sorry I let you down.
I'm sorry.


If I left, would it affect you? If I left, would you forget me?
If I stayed, would you be glad? If I stayed, would you care?
If I made a mistake, would you leave? If I made a mistake, would you hate me?
If I let you see my brokenness, would I still matter? Do I matter?
The wind blows and the water rages. I'm still here, I'm still fighting.
But why?
I don't know, but I am. Is that enough? Is it enough just to be alive?


Hey sweetheart.
You don't have to apologize for this. For any of this.
You are enough.
You are not a bother.
You are not annoying.
You don't have to hide your brokenness.
You don't have to be perfect. No one is.
You are not a disappointment.
You have not let me down. Or anyone else.
Don't apologize.
You are okay.
You are amazing.
You are meant to be you.
We are all growing and learning.
You will become better.
You will heal.
You will be okay.
And one day you will look back and wonder why you ever felt this way. Because everything will be wonderful.


If I left, would it affect you? If I left, would you forget me?
If I stayed, would you be glad? If I stayed, would you care?
If I made a mistake, would you leave? If I made a mistake, would you hate me?
If I let you see my brokenness, would I still matter? Do I matter?
The wind blows and the water rages. I'm still here, I'm still fighting.
But why?
I don't know, but I am. Is that enough? Is it enough just to be alive?

Yes, it would affect me. No, I won't forget you.
Yes, I would be over the moon because I care.
I will not leave, nor will I ever hate you. We all make mistakes.
You always matter. It's okay to be broken. Beautiful things are broken. And they are healed.
You're fighting because you know you'll be okay in the end. And you want to get there.
It is enough to be. To just be. Just to be alive is a miracle. Don't forget that.


We need you
I need you
If you left, I would never forget
When you stay, I will care. I will be glad.
If you made a mistake, I would still care. I would never be mad. Why should I?
You matter.
It is enough. You are enough. You are always enough. It will be okay. It may not seem like it now, but it will be okay.


What happens when I fall?
What happens when I feel like nothing?
What happens when people tell me I'm worthless, what happens when I listen?
What happens when I can't stand up for myself, what happens when I'm not strong enough?


What happens when I fall?
What happens when I feel like nothing?
What happens when people tell me I'm worthless, what happens when I listen?
What happens when I can't stand up for myself, what happens when I'm not strong enough?

You get back up.
You'll learn that you aren't nothing.
When you listen to their lies, you fall. But then you get back up.
Someone will stand for you, someone will stand with you. You will lean on their strength.


Hey Natasha

I'm not much good with words, but I can tell you that if you fall down, if you don't feel strong enough, that's when you know you are. You've made it this far, why let life take that victory away from you now? Keep fighting for it everyday. If it's dark times now, then it's not the end. It won't end on a sad note. You gotta find out where your next smile is gonna come from.


2nd Corinthians 12:9
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

You may feel weak and broken and worthless but God's power is made perfect in weakness –perfect in you. You've been such a light on this site. We all love and support you. Feel better soon :D


Phillippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me

you can do it, honey. Rely on Christ and you will make it through


JAhsfkjajf–Hun!! hugs you tight I can't tell you how many times I've felt exactly like this. How many times I brainwashed myself into thinking that it was true. But you know what? It isn't the end. These…thoughts aren't your life sentence. You aren't doomed to be this way forever. I know it feels like you brought this upon yourself and you deserve to feel this way. I know it feels like no one in the whole world cares about you, and your death would actually make lives easier for a lot of people, but that isn't the case.

YOU HAVE WORTH. You're not useless or incapable, or a failure, or a nuisance, or a bother. If people tell you that, then they're dead wrong. You might not think you're strong, but the fact that you're still alive right now proves how strong you are. It doesn't matter whether you've been battling these thoughts for a day, a week, or even years. The fact that you're still here means everything. It means you still have a fighting chance in taking back your life, to get better, to heal. I'm not going to be all sunshine and roses and tell you that it'll all be better "eventually" because that's not how this works. It's hard, it's a struggle, but YOU CAN BEAT IT. You are more capable than you believe.

I know it may seem impossible, but you CAN get better. These thoughts you have, they're not your own. They don't belong to you. They may be in your head, but their not from you. They are a plague on your mind and a plague on your body. THEY ARE NOT TRUE. Don't give those thoughts the time of day because they are false. They're trying to mislead you and to make you believe that you are worth less than what you truly are. One of the biggest factors to overcoming this is TRULY believing that you can get better, that you are capable of healing. It's going to be hard, and you may relapse several times, but don't get discouraged! I'm here for you and so are many others. You don't have to battle this alone. It's not your punishment. Everyone is a bit broken, and everyone has their scars, but we can work together to heal and to grow. This doesn't have to be the end for us.

I believe in you. I have faith in you. Even if you don't feel like you're getting better or going anywhere, celebrate the tiny things. You're alive today, and that's what counts. Live til the next sunrise. You can make it. I'm praying for you, and if you ever need to talk to someone, I'm here. Just hit me up, I'd be glad to talk to you. <3 (i'msorrythatwasreallylong.)


This is going to sound creeeppyyyy :p

But you are never alone
We are always here when you need us

Ditto. I practically live online.