forum I'm Sorry.
Started by @Natasha

people_alt 9 followers


I like the idea, but how exactly would it operate?

We're trying to figure out who all wants to help so we can create a PM to figure out details

Deleted user

i could let some things out here but….. no i i can't… can't push my platter of internal problems on to someone else…..


So are mine dude

But people still listened

You need to get them off your chest.

You'll feel better, I promise.

Deleted user

never thought that I'd be broken
Never thought I'd be this far from home
I'm dreaming with my eyes wide open now
If only I could hit the groundd…


Consider life
Consider its beauty and wonder
Consider life
Consider its blessings

Consider God
Consider His wisdom and power
Consider God
Consider His great love and will for our lives

Consider happiness
Consider its brightness
Consider happiness
Consider its joy and contentment

Consider surviving
Consider how good it feels
Consider surviving
Consider how glad it makes others feel

Consider love
Consider its patience
Consider love
Consider it's understanding

Consider life
Consider YOUR life
Consider life
Consider living
For us


no longer worth it I can't stay

Your life is worth ssssoooooooo much.

You're beautiful and amazing

You're loved and cared for and somebody loves you.


Sometimes we act like toddlers. We trip and fall into a puddle and start crying, believing we've fallen into an endless pit. After digging and digging to try to get out, we find ourselves deeper and start crying again. It's not until someone comes and picks us up out of the hole, do we realize that everything is alright. That we're okay.

We're here to be the ones to pick you up out of the hole. Even when it seems like you'll never escape the problems of this world, you can. And if you can't, someone will be there to help you.