forum I'm Sorry.
Started by @Natasha

people_alt 9 followers

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everyone around me sees the inside that's not the in.
everyone around me sees the outside that's not the out
but everyone around me doesn't see
They don't see the broken

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lyrics from a track that might be released soon but I honestly don't know


@ahollinger00 Hey, um, your songs are actually really good. I'd really like to see a un-autotuned (at least that's what I think it is) version of your songs, cause your voice sounds really good without it in my opinion. XDD I did have a hard time picking out the lyrics, but that may just be me. idk. Either way it was great. I'd love to hear more from you. XD

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well, the autotune has kinda become a signature sound for me at least over the past 2&1/2 years

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and yeah, I have a problem with my left nostril that causes my lyrics to come out quite nasally


Puns are fun though

They are
Where did that even become from

Deleted user

end it only developed over the past year. Because a lot of the songs that are on this album were originally recorded in 2016. If you compare the demos from 2016 and the 2017 finished version you will notice in the finished version that a nasal sound started appearing


Well, yeah, I get that auto-tune may be your "style", but it really doesn't give you any opportunities to learn and improve your vocal capabilities so I'd highly recommend trying it. (But if you don't want to it's totally cool, just excuse this choir kid's rambling. XD)
As for your nasal qualities, it may come from where you're singing, or how you sing. I honestly don't know what would result in singing through the nasal passage aside from like….singing from your chest or throat maybe? Not opening up your back airways to allow a more bigger, fuller sound and not singing from your diaphragm? idk. I'm just speculating here. I've never had that problem, so I don't really know how to remedy that. sorry. ^~^;

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One of the biggest reasons that I use it is because with the program that I use the pitch correction interface/menu is not accessible to voiceover. so, I have to resort to recording with it enabled