forum I'm Sorry.
Started by @Natasha

people_alt 9 followers

Deleted user

Even though you're trash, you're still beautiful, I'm here for you when you need me. People care, they won't care that you're trash, they still love you.


looks around at rut that has become canyon
tries to jump out
falls on face
Yeah so I'm not getting out anytime soon…….


Which is basically a way of saying:

I'm feeling like trash again.

Hugs you I'm sorry you're feeling down again. But you're gonna make it, okay? I'm sorry I'm not gonna be around all the time today. I gotta work on stuff. ;-; Quickly sends all of my love and support before running away


Shyly enters. Hugs everyone individually for at least 3 minutes each.
I'd like to let everyone here know that no matter what happens, I'll be here. Unless I'm feeling lazy, then I might not be on my computer. I might be asleep. BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT. Everyone has problems. I love this feed because it's a place for us to go through the hard times together. Also, I love the Christian representation here and I have so many more verses for y'all when you need them. Too many of my friends are going through hard things and I would never wish bad times on ANYONE EVER.

I couldn't have asked for a better time to be alive. A time when I have constant access to people who care. People who love me. And even if it feels dark, in the back of my mind I know someone in the world is thinking of me and holding up a light, desperately hoping it reaches me and drowns out the darkness. And if you don't think there's anyone who cares? Even if no one does, which people do -I promise, God always cares about our problems. Talk to him. He's always listening.

With great love and hope for you,

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Which is basically a way of saying:

I'm feeling like trash again.


Remember this?

puts song on
will listen to song on repeat now

One of the best songs to listen to when you're feeling like you don't matter because, well, you do matter.
Even if you feel as if the people around you think you don't matter, know that God does. You matter to Him, and His is the only opinion that counts.


A weird little thing: When I feel bad about myself I go and help others. Solving their problems sometimes helps me fix my own. It also gives me a feeling like I've done some good in the world. Which is, like, my favorite feeling in the world. Especially if I feel like I've done a lot of bad.


A weird little thing: When I feel bad about myself I go and help others. Solving their problems sometimes helps me fix my own. It also gives me a feeling like I've done some good in the world. Which is, like, my favorite feeling in the world. Especially if I feel like I've done a lot of bad.


@Imperfect_Autumn group

A weird little thing: When I feel bad about myself I go and help others. Solving their problems sometimes helps me fix my own. It also gives me a feeling like I've done some good in the world. Which is, like, my favorite feeling in the world. Especially if I feel like I've done a lot of bad.



@Imperfect_Autumn group

I also tell jokes. Laugh through the tears, ya know?

I do that, too.
It makes me think of the Proverb, "Even in laughter the heart may sorrow, and the end of mirth may be grief."