Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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thank you i try, i just love space so much, plus religion has always been a big part of my life, so it's just like… even if it's not a big part of the lives of one or most of the characters, it matters to someone in the novel so give it attention and respect, you know?
also my wifi has slowed down significantly and I've been struck with a sudden fear that my fam used up all our wifi for this month AND THERE'S STILL A WEEK LEFT IN JUNE NO



Well this year one of my favorite artist's released an album and it was amazing. June has nice weather. We had our garage sale in June. It rained a lot. Father's day is in June. Some important birthdays are in June for me. Perfect swimming weather. Everyone gets out of school. And many more…


excellent glad you like june lol
I like… idk I like all of winter. I'm not a big fan of heat and summer tbh, the only reason why I tolerate it is bc my bday is in July


For my universe, I thought of the long distance space drive to be a black hole generator, the rest of the ship would be so close to the black hole, it would generate extra gravity and make it seem like it had more mass. Because of this, it would make it almost seem like they were travelling at the speed of light.


The book I just finished this morning relied heavily on wormholes, and the universal relevance of a planet was heavily dependent on whether there was a wormhole nearby that gave the rest of the species easy access to that planet