Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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The book I just finished this morning relied heavily on wormholes, and the universal relevance of a planet was heavily dependent on whether there was a wormhole nearby that gave the rest of the species easy access to that planet

That’s super cool


well yeah wormholes are mostly theoretical at this point, and any that we think exist are itsy bitsy
but like scifi is cool because it can be soft or theoretical science
I'd say "hard" scifi is cooler though- like Doctor Who got to be more sciencey/technical when capaldi came on, and I like that (but I have a friend who doesn't really watch anymore bc she doesn't like the technical stuff, tragic)


yeah and cryosleep is just so cool! And it just has so many benefits that can be used in a story
like… preserving the last of a race after a massacre (like the Alteans in Voltron), putting someone with a deadly injury in while everyone figures out how to solve it (which also might have happened in voltron once… but I can't remember tbh…) and like, space travel like the article said…. yes scifi is cool thank you for coming to my TED talk


I would think of the myths as creating a religion tbh, bc that's what a lot of mythology is- religion of ancient civilizations, like Greece or Rome


hey uh scifi nerds I'm bringing this chat back cause I don't want it to die and be lost in the dark and unforgiving recesses of space
that's it that's all I have to contribute at the moment


hmm I have none right now but I will consider them
can I have a bit of background so I can make sure that I know what I'm talking about?


oh okay
I think they're v cool and important to humans, bc like living sans gravity messes with your physiology. But like… there are probably other species/alien races that don't even really need gravity? Like they live on a small planet without a lot of gravity, so they've evolved to be less dependent on it. So their ships prob don't even have gravity stabilizers. But do some aliens have them but not need them bc they're diplomatic like that?
Ooh, how else can they be used besides space ships/space stations? Could they be used on a v small scale (like on a single asteroid or meteor? There was thread in the Planets forum that asked for planet ideas, and I had a few, one of which was an asteroid belt black market, with each asteroid as a stall/shop. So… that's a cool idea.