Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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I've heard of Doctor Who

I'm working on a book but that's not interesting .-.

Have you seen the show? Deep breath to prepare to explain the show like any fangirl would

Deleted user

no, i don't want your dr. who

Oh, well I'm sorry for having a fandom I enjoy! Hisses dramatically


hey, it's good you like dr. who, i just watched a little and i didn't like it, but don't let that stop you from enjoying it


no, i don't want your dr. who

Oh, well I'm sorry for having a fandom I enjoy! Hisses dramatically

Excuse me good lady, do not apologize. We weren't attacking you, we were simply stating we had not seen the show but required no explanation.


i have no opinions on your book cause i haven't even heard about it yet!

Wait are you saying you would like a terrible summary?

i would love one!!!

Deleted user

Yeah I'm sorry I just get really defensive about my fandoms for no paticular reason.


My main character Allegra and her BFF 5ever Ellis sneak aboard a star ship named the Seattle (SE-8TT1) because they think they might have a better life on another planet. They get caught by the engineer. They're allowed to stay on board when they explain why they went in the first place, because the pilot Lars is a sap honestly.

So they travel around a bit and pick up some more passengers, then Lars gets an urgent report. He won't tell anyone else what it's about, so Allegra goes and rummages through his stuff to find the report. Turns out a rogue planet floated into the scopes of a science establishment on the planet Nesoi, which is the farthest planet from earth so far. They picked up strange readings on the rogue and asked Lars and crew to investigate.

They land on the planet and start searching around and there's a maze that winds all across the surface. They go to explore and find this wall that looks like liquid light. So Ellis touches it (like a ding dong) and it sends him to a deep part of the universe. He gets "possessed' by Ater, demon extraordinaire, and escapes the realm in which he was sealed away for so long.

Meanwhile, the crew had made an attempt to explore the maze again, which resulted in Cody (another character) almost getting killed by Nex, a goblin like being who can reflect the people it's harmed.

Ater almost tears their ship apart and kills the engineer. Nex and Ater, however, have a history. They battle it out.

In the end Ater and Nex get destroyed (don't ask me how) and the crew escapes.

Here is my horrible thing

Deleted user

good lady, lol, such a gentleman :P

Time Lady to you, thanks. Some of us can afford the upgrade. Internal snickering at fandom reference


My main character Allegra and her BFF 5ever Ellis sneak aboard a star ship named the Seattle (SE-8TT1) because they think they might have a better life on another planet. They get caught by the engineer. They're allowed to stay on board when they explain why they went in the first place, because the pilot Lars is a sap honestly.

So they travel around a bit and pick up some more passengers, then Lars gets an urgent report. He won't tell anyone else what it's about, so Allegra goes and rummages through his stuff to find the report. Turns out a rogue planet floated into the scopes of a science establishment on the planet Nesoi, which is the farthest planet from earth so far. They picked up strange readings on the rogue and asked Lars and crew to investigate.

They land on the planet and start searching around and there's a maze that winds all across the surface. They go to explore and find this wall that looks like liquid light. So Ellis touches it (like a ding dong) and it sends him to a deep part of the universe. He gets "possessed' by Ater, demon extraordinaire, and escapes the realm in which he was sealed away for so long.

Meanwhile, the crew had made an attempt to explore the maze again, which resulted in Cody (another character) almost getting killed by Nex, a goblin like being who can reflect the people it's harmed.

Ater almost tears their ship apart and kills the engineer. Nex and Ater, however, have a history. They battle it out.

In the end Ater and Nex get destroyed (don't ask me how) and the crew escapes.

Here is my horrible thing

that sounds awesome, and would totally read that.
however, I am a d!ck, so I have to ask.
How in the everloving allspark is a planet rogue?


good lady, lol, such a gentleman :P

Time Lady to you, thanks. Some of us can afford the upgrade. Internal snickering at fandom reference

did you just…
describe an action that you did in words?

Deleted user

good lady, lol, such a gentleman :P

Time Lady to you, thanks. Some of us can afford the upgrade. Internal snickering at fandom reference

did you just…
describe an action that you did in words?

It's my talent, what's yours? More internal snickering at fandom reference