forum Hey guys! Pictures
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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Note: Since I have no creativity or understanding of human facial structure, each sketch is basically going to be the exact same as the photo, pose and facial expression wise. I might change the hair up or something so it's less boring, maybe draw one in a more anime style, who knows.

Well anyway, I finished a sketch @@gracehustle

ajldskjflaksjdflakjsdflkjldfkjaslkdfjalksdflaksjdflksjdf that's so good omg my jaw actually dropped

Deleted user

You look great, Nore! also that top is really pretty, where did you get it?

Deleted user

Have never heard of that store, but okay thanks


Nore always has the best threads.
I personally like those pants.
Tell me, the picture is all black and white.
Are those black or darkwash? Or blue

Aww thankyou! I'm kind of surprised since my history of fashion is a bit weird so it means a lot! They are blue jeans