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I found a leather jacket for $5 at the thrift store today and I'm content

Omg I absolutely love leather jackets

I know righ! I've been wanting one for so long


I found a leather jacket for $5 at the thrift store today and I'm content

Omg I absolutely love leather jackets

I know righ! I've been wanting one for so long

i have like four

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I found a leather jacket for $5 at the thrift store today and I'm content

Omg I absolutely love leather jackets

I know righ! I've been wanting one for so long

i have like four

I have one and it's like my favorite piece of clothing and I would wear it all year around if I could but nooo cause Sweden had to be effing cold so yeah


I found a leather jacket for $5 at the thrift store today and I'm content

Omg I absolutely love leather jackets

I know righ! I've been wanting one for so long

i have like four

I have one and it's like my favorite piece of clothing and I would wear it all year around if I could but nooo cause Sweden had to be effing cold so yeah

I'm most likely going to wear mine year round okay maybe not all year since it got down to -60°C this year


I'm most likely going to wear mine year round okay maybe not all year since it got down to -60°C this year

it did what now


wait so apparently those temperatures are possible on Earth… at first I thought it might've been a typo but what the hecceth


oh boi some of my fav outfits are like…medium temperature, and then I have The Rug TM for cold weather (and a beanie bc yes)

summer tho? especially when I have to do things like go into the town that is locally known as the "armpit of california" where temperatures get up to 110 in the summer? I am f u c k e d


oh boi some of my fav outfits are like…medium temperature, and then I have The Rug TM for cold weather (and a beanie bc yes)

summer tho? especially when I have to do things like go into the town that is locally known as the "armpit of california" where temperatures get up to 110 in the summer? I am f u c k e d

… I relate, the summers here in California desert are the literal worst, not really I've been in Arizona's summers but still, they're pretty dang awful

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I'm not joking it was -60° my city was the coldest in the world even beating Antarctica at one point during the winter

Wow. And I thought Sweden was cold. Oh well.

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Shuri go the heck to sleep isn't it like 3 am over there