forum Hey guys! Pictures
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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Also, guys I have a question, anyone here know how to deal with best friends moving away? My BFF is moving away in three days…

oh no, I'm sorry! :(
I'm not sure…..
But I'm here for you <3


Also, guys I have a question, anyone here know how to deal with best friends moving away? My BFF is moving away in three days…

Make a habit of texting them every day. Even if it’s about random stuff, it helps.


XD thanks guys, Imma disagree with the pretty thing tho

also, thanks Ravens :) I'll keep that in mind

you've been outvoted >:)

of course! <3 <3


Also, guys I have a question, anyone here know how to deal with best friends moving away? My BFF is moving away in three days…

I know the feeling, my best friend moved away about 5 years ago, we lost touch for a little while but everytime we texted eachother it was like nothing changed, 2 years after she left though we started texting more and now we text nearly every day since then. We actually got close again through sharing our problems with eachother and its shockingly nice to have someone you trust but dont see everyday to talk about deep issues with. Anyway the point is if a friendship is meant to be and is strong on both ends you'll find a way but the internet is a godsend in that kind of situation

Hope this helped a bit


thank you! my jawline is the only thing that makes me hope i'll look masculine when i transition again so it's nice to have it confirmed


Dude you look really good! And now that I think about it I should probably post an updated pic once I finish getting my double helix piercing done this weekend

Deleted user

YK, you look great as usual! And Ella I can’t really answer that since I haven’t posted any pic but I still think it would be cool if you did


Whenever I see people that are really adorable/cute/pretty/handsome/beautiful I immediately want to draw them and I may or may not have already saved a few of your pictures to sketch portraits of