forum Hey guys! Pictures
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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Ey you look like a young version of Charlie from Supernatural! That's so cool!

dunno who that is but cool! :)

@Knight-Shives group

It's too sunny outside.

It's amazing =D
I'm so glad winter is over

I have gone what my brother calls vampire (even though he says I am vampire 24/7) currently I am at a party outdoors


It's too sunny outside.

It's amazing =D
I'm so glad winter is over

I have gone what my brother calls vampire (even though he says I am vampire 24/7) currently I am at a party outdoors



everyone's always like "wHo Do YoU LiKe???" and i always say "uhhh" and then they're like "it can't be a fictional character!!!11!111" and i'm like

because all the crushes i've had in the last few years have been fictional characters
what do you want me to say if not the truth??????



We adopted two lil baby kittens today
I don't have pictures because they're shy and wouldn't let me take any, but they're really cute and my heart is melting <3

…That is all


it's a really bad picture and the lighting is terrible but here:

i'm not smiling because i didn't want to oof

wow my basement is actually a giant fucking mess
we moved to this house almost 10 years ago and we still have boxes to unpack

Deleted user

This is Hershey :3
He's a Maine Coon Mix and has 'battle scars' on his nose and eye from a cat fight before we adopted him.
He's chubby and SUPER fluffy!



We adopted two lil baby kittens today
I don't have pictures because they're shy and wouldn't let me take any, but they're really cute and my heart is melting <3

…That is all

UPDATE: I still don't have photos (I'll get some later today), but turns out one of my sister's bunnies might be pregnant, so there's (possibly) going to be baby bunnies as well. (If that's the case, they'll be born a few days after Easter)

My heart can't take this kind of cute…