forum Hey guys! Pictures
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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@Knight-Shives group

Honestly if I see him later and he annoys me I think I will. Then when I go to the principal's office I would call my dad. He would see it as justified.



We adopted two lil baby kittens today
I don't have pictures because they're shy and wouldn't let me take any, but they're really cute and my heart is melting <3

…That is all

Aww! Who doesn't love kittens?!


Okay so I went to Melbourne this weekend and my parents being my parents, decided that we were going to drive the 8 hours. On this trip, I’ve learnt that I cannot sit in a car properly and my sis snapped the photos when I was sleeping.

…That isn't properly sitting? I sit like that in a car.

I'm dying! I would sit like that, but I have to sit in the front between my mom and dad…so yeah.

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I feel like Cress

This is superweird but you look identical to someone at my school XD



I feel like Cress

This is superweird but you look identical to someone at my school XD

that is weird lmao