forum Hey Come Here
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@Becfromthedead group

Maybe, but the opposite frequently happens too. I've especially known it to happen with people around my age, including myself. I was raised Christian, but I'm agnostic now for a multitude of reasons.
However, I will agree that I think there's something there and that religion has tried to explain it all since the beginning of time. My argument would be that for a lot of the converts, it isn't necessarily being convinced of a belief. Sometimes it is a need for purpose or something to hold on to. Not always, but I know people who think like this.


I haven't lost faith in religion, but I've lost faith in most of humanity… And that requires a shift in values, beliefs and opinions as well…

When you fall out of a tree, you might break a few bones, and losing faith is comparable to finding it…

@Reblod flag

I was just stalking this thread and really felt like contributing.

I don't believe in a higher power or gods or anything like that. Honestly, I'm not exactly sure what I believe but I know I think that we decided who we are and what actions to take to be that person. I - not trying to offend anyone - dislike the idea of an all-powerful being of some kind governing my life and guiding me which I'm sure sounds favourable to some people.
I suppose I believe that we are on our own here in our little pocket of some unimaginable reality and we are here for a purpose but we weren't made to have a purpose, we chose to have a purpose. Every bad thing and every good thing that we experience is a set up to what we are working towards. You know how all these successful people who faced these insane challenges that seemed impossible to overcome? I feel that those roadblocks are there to ensure that we get to where we're going and it only helps us in the long run. It depends if you are devoted enough to your purpose to overcome these obstacles though. These obstacles are there to clarify that we are ready for our purpose.

Summary I guess- We decided to have purpose and everything in life, both good and bad, leads up to it. Unfortunately, not everyone makes it.