forum Hey Come Here
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Deleted user

So why did God create us? I asked this question when I was younger and my grandma told me that "God doesn't need us, we need him" Which is true but doesn't answer my question at all (thanks grandma, so helpful)…
King David asked essentially the same thing in the Bible: "When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers … what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?" (Psalm 8:3-4). ("The God who made the world and everything in it … is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything" (Acts 17:24-25).) It's hard to think that our God did something randomly and it's even harder to think he got bored. One thing we know is that his life is eternal, right? He's always been there? I'd get bored/lonely but did he?

Oooo, I think I know what you’re getting at now… that’s interesting and tough… Well (this is basically a lot of musing and getting thoughts on the page here…), it’s hard to know, since I’m not the Creator or anything. It’s said that we’re created in His image, but it’s hard to imagine He just ‘got bored’. (Bare with me here) Way back in elementary school (I went to a Catholic private school, so I’m not sure if other denominations disagree, this is just my personal beliefs), I vaguely remember a teacher telling me God was like a circle. He always existed, no beginning nor end. It’s just so hard for my human brain to comprehend, I guess, just to think about the concept of no beginning no end. And so that leads me to ask why then? Why did He choose that specific time to create us. Maybe He decided he wanted to create something? He wanted to make something out of nothing, do make purpose? I don’t know, and I guess really can’t answer that question fully until I die and (hopefully) go to Heaven.

I agree. Our human minds want there so badly to be a beginning and end to things but God is eternal and our time is meaningless to eternity. And yes, we do have to wait for some answers until we die but I'm curious and impatient even though patience in one of the fruits of the spirit…

Deleted user

(Ooo, that pic is really nice… would you care if I used that as my profile pic for a while?)

Of course not! Have at it!

@Rvan group

Lol, yeah
It’s just so interesting- the concept of never ending-ness…
Casually ignores all of my rps right now to think about all this stuff I’M SO SORRY Y’ALL

Deleted user

I would assume since it says that God is love that he wanted someone to love besides himself.

You just blew my mind… Hang on a sec…

Deleted user

I found this thing when I was younger that the question "Why?" is all you need to be led to God…

make a statement like… "Most humans have 10 toes,"


Deleted user

I know! And you can give the science behind it but then asking why again… Makes you think about it. Why do we have chromosome? Well because thats how humans are made. Why? (Who decides that) Oh God literally.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I don't know if God could get lonely. But that aside I think it was just in his nature. In a way, I think love and creation are linked. And from there I say it was in God's nature to create so He did.

@Becfromthedead group

Sorry I'm late to the chat… Idk if my input is even wanted at this point, but here are my two cents:
Life has no inherent purpose, therefore it is up to the people in this world to create one for themselves. Sometimes that purpose is found through religion. Sometimes that purpose is to help others. Sometimes that purpose is only self-gratification. Then, sometimes, there are people who drift through life with no clear purpose in their minds at all.


Sorry I'm late to the chat… Idk if my input is even wanted at this point, but here are my two cents:
Life has no inherent purpose, therefore it is up to the people in this world to create one for themselves. Sometimes that purpose is found through religion. Sometimes that purpose is to help others. Sometimes that purpose is only self-gratification. Then, sometimes, there are people who drift through life with no clear purpose in their minds at all.

This right here is perfect…


Don't mind me over here stalking this thread and having and internal crisis at the notion of infinity and relativity of purpose.

Life is what you make it, and nobody has the answers… We can try to find them but so far we got bupkis… Make your life one that consists of helping others…

@Becfromthedead group

If you can help it, those are the types of thoughts you should just quietly push away. You don't really need to know those things or comprehend them to live your best life.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

"Life is what you make it, and nobody has the answers… "
I would say not. Besides of course, the fact that I have a belief that I think is backed up by factual evidence. I think that since the beginning there have been religions, there must be some kind of truth in them. (Especially the ones that have survived time, plus of course the converts thing.)


"Life is what you make it, and nobody has the answers… "
I would say not. Besides of course, the fact that I have a belief that I think is backed up by factual evidence. I think that since the beginning there have been religions, there must be some kind of truth in them. (Especially the ones that have survived time, plus of course the converts thing.)

Could you explain that better?