forum Hey Come Here
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

I want to know why we're here. And I want to have a discussion about it, I don't care what religion or lack there of you practice I want to hear your view point.

Deleted user

If you don't believe in God or a higher being then you believe that life must have happened through some natural, unintelligant and purposeless random event or process. That would mean that we're ultimately just as purposeless as that event/process that brought us life right? This means that to you life is nothing but an accident and so are you. You can find some kinds of short term reasoning for living from day to day like one day I'll have kids or I have to do this because my family wants me to but in time those things don't matter because ultimately you're just an accident and so are your parents and their parents because you see life itself as an accident. That would mean that we serve no purpose, you'll have no long lasting effect and in the larger view of things, your life is completely meaningless. Without the belief of a creator for the beginning of things, you believe that we aren't here for a reason, we're just here with no purpose. And, as for what you're worth, without a creator you can think you're worth something and someone else may think you're worth nothing. There's no telling, it's subjective.

Deleted user

HOWEVER! IF GOD DOES EXIST OR YOU DO BELIEVE IN A CREATOR… That means you were created for a reason! Wow! Cool right? And that's why you're here, it means that you have value to Him and that's what you're worth. We have morals and a sense of right and wrong, a freedom to make our own decisions. If God makes the rules then you have those things. When you do wrong things, those who believe in him know that God will hold you accountable. Without God things like purpose and justice are abstract notions that mean nothing.

Deleted user

Just to pop in:
Why do we need a purpose? Why does life have to have meaning? Just because someone may not believe in "God" or some kind of "deity" does not mean that this life and this universe was a mistake or an accident.

Deleted user

Everything still has meaning even if there is no "God" simply because it means something to us humans. We don't need a higher power to tell us what is and isn't worthwhile, we tell ourselves and that is what gives everything meaning.

Deleted user

Just to pop in:
Why do we need a purpose? Why does life have to have meaning? Just because someone may not believe in "God" or some kind of "deity" does not mean that this life and this universe was a mistake or an accident.

The events to create life without a creator are random then. And life must have a purpose but if you don't believe there's a creator then you are indeed here by accident or chance.

Deleted user

I think you mean "why does life NEED a purpose" and my answer is how can it not? What's the point in living if you're doing nothing here. I should clarify… The question isn't whether people can live purposeful lives because of course they can, if they are fortunate or successful. (Anyone who has enough to eat, who lives with freedom, who has an education or employment opportunities, and stuff is in a position to lead a purposeful life… but that's not what we mean. It is about whether life itself, on a much deeper scale, has a purpose. I'm talking about life's instrumental purpose. Like hammers drive nails because that's the intention that it's creator made it for specifically.

Deleted user

Why would you be created just to do nothing? What is the purpose of life?

Deleted user

No, I was correct in what I said. Why does it need a purpose? Why does a human require a function like a hammer? Why does Life have to have a purpose to meaningful?
Who says that living is doing nothing? You're reducing everything that a person can experience in this world to literally the dust under our feet, but that is not what life is. Life is living, experiencing, growing, loving, dying, hurting and everything that equates to that.

I care not for the "need" I need a "because" to the "why".
Life needs a purpose because……..???

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Life is hard. If I didn't think there was purpose to my life I would probably find the nearest cliff to jump off of. Why bother sticking around through the hate and pain in the world if it has no higher meaning? What is there left to live for then?

Deleted user

Exactly… Without life having a purpose, there's no point in living.

Deleted user

Life is hard. If I didn't think there was purpose to my life I would probably find the nearest cliff to jump off of. Why bother sticking around through the hate and pain in the world if it has no higher meaning? What is there left to live for then?


Deleted user

Do you prefer life to be pointless?


Yes. I would rather loaf around and have a nice, lazy, wild and natural life. I don’t want a life where I MUST get a job to survive. Where I MUST go to college and have others look down on me as unimportant because of who I am, or who I choose to be. It’s unnatural, in my eyes. Everyone deserves to live in their own head. Everyone deserves to just live instead of having to pay others to live.

Deleted user

Do you prefer life to be pointless?


Yes. I would rather loaf around and have a nice, lazy, wild and natural life. I don’t want a life where I MUST get a job to survive. Where I MUST go to college and have others look down on me as unimportant because of who I am, or who I choose to be. It’s unnatural, in my eyes. Everyone deserves to live in their own head. Everyone deserves to just live instead of having to pay others to live.

I bring us back to this… "What's the point in living if you're doing nothing here? I should clarify… The question isn't whether people can live purposeful lives because of course they can, if they are fortunate or successful. (Anyone who has enough to eat, who lives with freedom, who has an education or employment opportunities, and stuff is in a position to lead a purposeful life… but that's not what we mean. It is about whether life itself, on a much deeper scale, has a purpose. I'm talking about life's instrumental purpose. Like hammers drive nails because that's the intention that it's creator made it for specifically."

What you're saying is that you would rather lead a pointless life but that's your decision and irrelevant to "Why am I here" because that question refers to life as a whole not just one individually. Go ahead be lazy or 'unsuccessful', I agree that everyone can live in their own head, sure, but… Not what the subject is.

Deleted user

Life needs a purpose because……..???

You and The Althalosian think it needs a purpose or else you're would off yourself? That seems a little silly if you ask me. You have nothing in your life that you would live for other than a "divine purpose", a "divine energy guiding you through your life"? That's…..sad.

"Why bother sticking around through the hate and pain in the world if it has no higher meaning? What is there left to live for then?"
You both only focus on the negative. You are purposely ignoring one of the biggest lessons from "God/Jesus": That life itself is full of love and it should be shared with others. Even if there is no "God" and Jesus was just a man, they are wise words to take into account.

Deleted user

Nonetheless it's sad to think that there is no point to life, God or no God it doesn't matter. It IS SAD. you're right.

Deleted user

Life is pain highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.

You just quoted Princess Bride at me. I'm impressed.

Deleted user

It is sad to people who have no comfort in themselves. I don't find it sad because I think my life, my happiness, my pain, my sorrow are all beautiful and worth every second. I will still think that I've lived a good life when I die, purpose or no purpose that I hear of afterward.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Even though life has the capability to be full of love it most definitely is not guaranteed. If there actually isn't some higher purpose to keep fighting day after day why bother wasting all the time and effort to create and sustain a good environment to live in?