forum Hey Come Here
Started by Deleted user

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Why are you all arguing this point when you could be out there helping people? That's what's important… Learning as much as you can and helping as many people as you can…

Deleted user

It is sad to people who have no comfort in themselves. I don't find it sad because I think my life, my happiness, my pain, my sorrow are all beautiful and worth every second. I will still think that I've lived a good life when I die, purpose or no purpose that I hear of afterward.

It's sad that you think it's about being comfortable. I find it sad because there has to be a reason. This isn't about your pain, happiness, sorrow or SELF-worth. You'll think nothing when you die without thinking there's something after death because you'll be dead and then what's the point of being alive? But put that aside… I mean all life, not just us but humans and animals and plants. Why is any of that here, what's the point. Don't misunderstand it with things like personal successes.

Deleted user

Why are you all arguing this point when you could be out there helping people? That's what's important… Learning as much as you can and helping as many people as you can…

Because the point of the discussion seems to have been missed as I thought it would.

Deleted user

Life is pain highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.

You just quoted Princess Bride at me. I'm impressed.

The only movie that was better than the book.

That's so true man.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Why are you all arguing this point when you could be out there helping people? That's what's important… Learning as much as you can and helping as many people as you can…

Because conversation. And debate is the sharpening stone of the mind.


Why are you all arguing this point when you could be out there helping people? That's what's important… Learning as much as you can and helping as many people as you can…

Because conversation. And debate is the sharpening stone of the mind.

See, now that's an answer right there! I can get behind that! Just use that mind to help people…

@Rvan group

If I may sneak a comment in here…
For myself (I’m Christian), I would call it living for a ‘divine purpose’ or whatnot, it’s just there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, ya know? To know my life won’t just go to waste.
Now, I’m not saying that my life’s a waste because I’m ignoring the fact that I can spread love and help others. It’s just, tons of people help others every day, do I know their names? No, I hardly even know some of the older presidents’s names. Now, that doesn’t mean it’s about a legacy either, because even that will fade over time. It’s real good to spread happiness and general goodness to people, but for some people like me, that’s not enough. Don’t get me wrong, I want to help as many people as I can, but… I wouldn’t exactly say I’m focusing on the bad in my life, it’s just I deal with a lot of sh-t… I’ve thought about death a lot, and the thought of ‘But I want to help spread love around the world’ doesn’t really make me feel… I dunno… like I want to stay. The thought that there’s a reason to keep fighting (not talking about exactly God here, but Heaven) helps me a lot. To know that I won’t just end. If I’m just going to die in the end… why? Why keep struggling to get through life if you’re just going to disappear?

Anyways, sorry if I went on a tangent there just wanted to say something instead of staring at a wall and thinking about it lol, y’all can just ignore this if you want

Deleted user

Rvan! I have a question for you (Hey fellow Christian) You still here?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Why are you all arguing this point when you could be out there helping people? That's what's important… Learning as much as you can and helping as many people as you can…

Because conversation. And debate is the sharpening stone of the mind.

See, now that's an answer right there! I can get behind that! Just use that mind to help people…

What do you believe Shuri? (I get it if you don't want to answer.)

Deleted user

So why did God create us? I asked this question when I was younger and my grandma told me that "God doesn't need us, we need him" Which is true but doesn't answer my question at all (thanks grandma, so helpful)…
King David asked essentially the same thing in the Bible: "When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers … what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?" (Psalm 8:3-4). ("The God who made the world and everything in it … is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything" (Acts 17:24-25).) It's hard to think that our God did something randomly and it's even harder to think he got bored. One thing we know is that his life is eternal, right? He's always been there? I'd get bored/lonely but did he?


Why are you all arguing this point when you could be out there helping people? That's what's important… Learning as much as you can and helping as many people as you can…

Because conversation. And debate is the sharpening stone of the mind.

See, now that's an answer right there! I can get behind that! Just use that mind to help people…

What do you believe Shuri? (I get it if you don't want to answer.)

Religiously? Or my values?

Deleted user

What do you believe Shuri? (I get it if you don't want to answer.)

Religiously? Or my values?

All of the above. :)


I'm agnostic… I believe there might be a Higher Power, bit without proof, there's nothing. Although recently I've become a bit more faithful after prayers of mine were answered…

And as for the vslues I have… Learn as much as you can… And help as many others as you can… Even at your own expense…

Deleted user

Cool. I hope you find something to believe in.

I do have something I believe in… It's called altruism, and being as you're a Christian I'm sure you've heard of it…

I have! I think it's super cool! It's also really cool that you can show other people your beliefs everyday and it truly helps yours and others character.

@Rvan group

So why did God create us? I asked this question when I was younger and my grandma told me that "God doesn't need us, we need him" Which is true but doesn't answer my question at all (thanks grandma, so helpful)…
King David asked essentially the same thing in the Bible: "When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers … what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?" (Psalm 8:3-4). ("The God who made the world and everything in it … is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything" (Acts 17:24-25).) It's hard to think that our God did something randomly and it's even harder to think he got bored. One thing we know is that his life is eternal, right? He's always been there? I'd get bored/lonely but did he?

Oooo, I think I know what you’re getting at now… that’s interesting and tough… Well (this is basically a lot of musing and getting thoughts on the page here…), it’s hard to know, since I’m not the Creator or anything. It’s said that we’re created in His image, but it’s hard to imagine He just ‘got bored’. (Bare with me here) Way back in elementary school (I went to a Catholic private school, so I’m not sure if other denominations disagree, this is just my personal beliefs), I vaguely remember a teacher telling me God was like a circle. He always existed, no beginning nor end. It’s just so hard for my human brain to comprehend, I guess, just to think about the concept of no beginning no end. And so that leads me to ask why then? Why did He choose that specific time to create us. Maybe He decided he wanted to create something? He wanted to make something out of nothing, do make purpose? I don’t know, and I guess really can’t answer that question fully until I die and (hopefully) go to Heaven.