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Started by Deleted user

people_alt 44 followers


No you're not. It's so obvious that you're hurt. You're not fine, so stop lying to yourself that you are.

Deleted user

not this time, then what time? What time will you realize that what you’re doing might seem right for the current time but won’t positively influence anything in the long run

Deleted user

why does this thought process seem so familiar? Maybe because I was there a couple days ago

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I'm glad you're doing well Austin. :) Winter, do you think we should make a separate thread to talk about what's troubling you? We'd be glad to help or just lend a listening ear, if you need it.

No I just haven't slept in 7 days, and I'm fine but no one gets that I've done worse….