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Deleted user

standing at the edge of the woods seemingly ignoring everyone but he may still be logged on here idk


Alright it's getting pretty late where I'm at. I'm sorry for having to go so soon. Please please please try to find a healthy way to calm down and use your emotions. Open up a little, it doesn't have to be much. I'll be back as soon as I can, stay fighting ;)

Deleted user

he finally came back after me hannah and chelsey walked out there

Deleted user

he said that he heard something in simply acted on instinct


This is going to sound really cheesy but music is supper supper good for calming and soothing people it helps clear the mind.

Deleted user

i can’t allow everyone to be here all night… aalthough they have permission from parents and mine don’t care either


….. its kinda night here but if there is anything I can do to support or help in any way at all I'm willing to stay up as late as necessary, I don't have any classes tomorrow so it's fine.
Im so so sorry that you're going through this @ahollinger00 I wish I could say some magical words and make it all better. I know I cant but I also know that I have thought those exact words you wrote down at the begining of this thread before. Ive been in the same place, and I survived. ive had my ups and downs, sure, but im the happiest and most content with myself that ive ever been. its been five years for me. healing takes time and life sucks, but dont let yourself disappear. no one deserves to disappear.
one thing that I wish I had realised when I was in the place you're at was that there were people around me who genuinely cares about me and my well-being, that there were people out there who loved me and supported me. I hope that you can look around at your friends and realize the same. I understand its hard to see past what's right in front of you at this moment, but try… realize how many people have commented on this post, how many people care about you. these people are here for you. you have so many brilliant ideas, dont let them go to waste.
if you get nothing else from this, hear this, please, I have been where you are, I understand how much this hurts, I know, and I lived. I have scars and bad days and im not as good as I want to be, but im better, everything is so much better and that can be a reality for you if you let it.