forum Gen Z Chat
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people_alt 63 followers

@saor_illust school

aw that sucks aria!

also, today i declared "revolution" against france even tho i don't live in france and marched around the home waving a handmade french flag singing "Do You Hear The People Sing?" from Les Mis it was really fun tbh

and guess who has to start school tomorrow?


That makes two of us. Yay, college! My roommate has already snuck a very large bottle of alcohol in his sweatpants to another room when I asked him to please not pour shots for his friends while I was trying to watch a movie.

@saor_illust school

Oof. So I'm not in college yet, nor am I anywhere near college yet, I still have a whole four years of high school to get through as well, but I'm curious, you're already in dorms before school starts?


It’s basically like a 2 year college, but there are no dorms or anything. I’m going for an associates degree atm, and all of my classes are at the technical school but I’m enrolled in high school and the credits I get go to both my high school and my technical college.

@The_Painted_Wings groupDMs open!

I went out yesterday (very surprising, I know) and I overheard a conversation that was like;
"Someone said to me that dragons suck, so, that's why I threw hands with a middle aged man."
And I couldn't agree with anything more

Deleted user

The song
Tokyo Drift
I woke up last night at 3 AM from a fever dream with Tokyo Drift playing in the back of my mind

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Hey, I'm a part of this

We're fighting back against the 18+ chat

Deleted user

meh i feel like I’m close enough to not want a fight

u know 18+ does consist of some gen Z peeps tho