forum Gen Z Chat
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Graaaaawr….buuuut it WOULD be a really bad ass way to die

It's not like I would be in the bathtub.

Deleted user

Fire will escape bathtub Unseelie, if it doesn't explode it first. Sort of like clay in a kiln. Eph…NO

Deleted user

You see, my first thought was I BLESS THE RAINS DOWN IN AFRICA but both songs are equal NO

Deleted user

I wan hug a cat. ALSO I HAVE DECIDED TO HELP IN THE TOASTER OIL BATHTUB THING! It's now a scientific experiment as to how much destruction we can cause before we get caught.


From what I've seen, siphoning oil and gas is likely to make you sick, which is why no one wants to do it unless they're desperate. Be ESPECIALLY careful if you need to siphon gas from an RV. One guy tried to steal gas from one but put the tube in the waste tank by accident. The owner decided not to press charges, figuring that guy had enough at that point.

Deleted user

Hmm…good point. But if we want things to be chaotic and explosive, I wouldn't want to use vegetable oil.

Deleted user

Hmmmmmm, I like lighterfluid.
Bring it on over.
Mom's cooking dinner for the boys.

Deleted user

Someday historians will find this chat and put it in textbooks as a prime example of Gen Z kids

Deleted user

obviously y’all haven’t italianed before

it’s olive oil all the way

crispy egg yummy