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people_alt 63 followers

@saor_illust school

aha i'll probably go to area 51 in theory aka in my head lol
but all jokes aside, probably the only people who will go will be the ones who have absolutely no fear at all will go, if at all

Deleted user

Oh no I wish to go to area 51. But alas plane tickets are hella expensive, only to die so I'll just watch it on the news and cheer them on at home

Deleted user

So we had a big meeting with the UN about our earth right? And basically what the meeting said was that if we don't change all of our ways completely, the damage done to our earth in 12 years. That's right. 12 years. Imagine the kids for a second there. Anyways. In 12 years, the damage will be permanent and our earth, will come to an end. IF we don't change our ways. My mom told me this, she also advised me not to have kids because there may not be a world, a good one, for them to grow up in. Yeah. so YAY FOR RAISING EVERYTHING ON GREED AND MONEY!

Deleted user

So yeah. You guys…please sing these facts to the high heavens. Get this out there, change the world. I do my part, you do yours.

Deleted user

They're turning the Area 51 raid into a festival and I'm lowkey mad about it
We planned to raid, not to make an alien-inspired Coachella.