forum Gen Z Chat
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 63 followers

Deleted user

Hello my dudes
This is a safe spot for all Gen Z kids. If you're not sure whether or not that is you, you're Gen Z if you were born any time after 2001.
What will we discuss, you ask? Well, everything. Everything Gen Z. Memes. Depression. Childhood nostalgia.
Join us.

Deleted user

Randomly yeets in
I heard this was a Gen Z chat. I have come to try to understand what other people my age are actually like.


Deleted user

I hear the term 'Generation Z' has a really bad meaning behind it, so why do people still use it?

I dunno. That's just who we are, I guess. Shrugs, downs bottle of apple juice in one sip

Deleted user

That's okay! You can stay if you'd like, or yeet yourself out!

Deleted user

Same. They're very similar generations.
While we're waiting for more Gen Zs to arrive, what shall we discuss?