forum Gen Z Chat
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people_alt 63 followers


Hello, fellow Gen Z weirdos! Wait, does that count if I was born in 2001? I saw one expert say Gen Z could be as early as 1998. Then again, he also said that generations weren't divided by hard years, but when people started exhibiting different behaviors from everyone else. Boomers, Gen X, Millenials, Gen Z, we are all different because we all behave differently from the others.

Deleted user

Hell yeah. If you consider yourself Gen Z, you're Gen Z. Welcome!


All we can really say is that Boomers hate Millennials, Millennials hate Boomers, and Gen Z and Gen X just hate everybody.

From what the expert said and from what I’ve gathered, the only Millennials that act entitled were brought up that way by their parents. Gen X is worried about taking care of both their children and their parents. Gen Z acts far more “frugally” with their money because we saw our parents go through the Recession and we’re terrified about not having enough in an emergency.