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Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 63 followers

Deleted user

I would yeet a baby out the window like Hera, send tweet.

Reed ily

Get in line, I am loved by the masses :)

Deleted user

XD I hate babies and love toddlers…guys my friend got the cutiest chonkiest boi of a head butt-er cuddle bug of a cat and i swear I'm gonna steal him

Deleted user

I DID SAY CAT! His name is Durango and he is a big chonk. A real chubbawub. A big ol black FLOP. AND HE IS SO SWEEET AND HE PURRS SO MUCH AND AHHHHH


I asked my dad to unlock my phone earlier so I could listen to music at the end of class and during lunch and he said how it’s ridiculous that Gen Z is always isolating themselves on technology and with music and I was just like

Ok Boomer

Deleted user

I’m here I’m queer I’m full of existential fear what’s up

Deleted user

-offers Swim a hug- don't worry. Guys a warning today I'm super pissy and angry today cause of last night and this morning and ex-friends being an assholes and me trying NOT to punch them into a wall so if I seem curt or overly bitchy…lemme know. I'll try to keep my cool today but really I need a nap. This is just an fyi tho.

Deleted user

Good point. Also quick reminder if I'm rping with anyone here please bump our rp since i was gone i've forgotten some of them…I'm also looking for some rps. Either an angsty winter rp or a werewolf vampire romance. I'm in a weird creative mood rn…OR OH! COMBINE THE TWO!

Deleted user

… What would happen if I put a toaster in a bath filled with oil?

Deleted user

One. THAT IS BEAUTIFUL. Two. NO. You'll burn down the whole house, and then the whole neighborhood and then you'll prolly be sent to jail if you friggin survive, and then it's all downhill from there. I know, it's tempting. I'm an arsonist myself. But do it in a controlled area that won't get you and a bajillion other people killed.

Deleted user

One. THAT IS BEAUTIFUL. Two. NO. You'll burn down the whole house, and then the whole neighborhood and then you'll prolly be sent to jail if you friggin survive, and then it's all downhill from there. I know, it's tempting. I'm an arsonist myself. But do it in a controlled area that won't get you and a bajillion other people killed.

Or I could throw a toaster into a bath filled with oil.