forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Large Fonts, Duolingo Threats, Chicky Babies, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken (This chat is discontinued, move onto part 2 of this please.)
Started by @IamNOTachickenok

people_alt 105 followers

@RhysTheFirebird group

I huff, grumbling and move away I will bite your fucking hand off—

i know. hugs you I don't care tho. your head hurts

I keep grumbling Let go of me.

ok. kisses forehead if you insist. but sit down. and follow my instructions

I’m fine.

@DancingWithMyDemons business

I huff, grumbling and move away I will bite your fucking hand off—

i know. hugs you I don't care tho. your head hurts

I keep grumbling Let go of me.

ok. kisses forehead if you insist. but sit down. and follow my instructions

I’m fine.

are you sure? I know how to get rid of a headache, It almost always works.

@RhysTheFirebird group

I huff, grumbling and move away I will bite your fucking hand off—

i know. hugs you I don't care tho. your head hurts

I keep grumbling Let go of me.

ok. kisses forehead if you insist. but sit down. and follow my instructions

I’m fine.

are you sure? I know how to get rid of a headache, It almost always works.

I literally have a migraine irl, for the past 4 or 5 days. You can try.

@DancingWithMyDemons business

I huff, grumbling and move away I will bite your fucking hand off—

i know. hugs you I don't care tho. your head hurts

I keep grumbling Let go of me.

ok. kisses forehead if you insist. but sit down. and follow my instructions

I’m fine.

are you sure? I know how to get rid of a headache, It almost always works.

I literally have a migraine irl, for the past 4 or 5 days. You can try.

great, go grab two bean bags/sock gnomes/something soft with rice or beans in it, heat one up in the microwave, put the other in the freezer for later, then sit the warm one on the right side of your face for 10ish minutes. then get the cold one and sit it on your left side. pop your neck both directions and drink some electrolytes. you need them.

Deleted user

Guys I just ate lunch but im hungry…

what did you have for lunch?

an otterpop and plantains

Deleted user

Guys I just ate lunch but im hungry…

what did you have for lunch?

an otterpop and plantains

this is the first time I have ever seen a real person call them otterpops
what is the logic behind that

@im-with-stoopid pets

Guys I just ate lunch but im hungry…

what did you have for lunch?

an otterpop and plantains

this is the first time I have ever seen a real person call them otterpops
what is the logic behind that

What on earth is an otterpop

@DancingWithMyDemons business

Guys I just ate lunch but im hungry…

what did you have for lunch?

an otterpop and plantains

this is the first time I have ever seen a real person call them otterpops
what is the logic behind that

they are cold so you hold them close to you so as to cool yourself down? snuggle it like an otter?

Deleted user

Guys I just ate lunch but im hungry…

what did you have for lunch?

an otterpop and plantains

this is the first time I have ever seen a real person call them otterpops
what is the logic behind that

What on earth is an otterpop


@DancingWithMyDemons business

Guys I just ate lunch but im hungry…

what did you have for lunch?

an otterpop and plantains

this is the first time I have ever seen a real person call them otterpops
what is the logic behind that

What on earth is an otterpop


GASP they are delicious. that's what they are

Deleted user

Guys I just ate lunch but im hungry…

what did you have for lunch?

an otterpop and plantains

this is the first time I have ever seen a real person call them otterpops
what is the logic behind that

they are cold so you hold them close to you so as to cool yourself down? snuggle it like an otter?

who tf sees a freezie and their first thought is 'oooh I can snuggle it like an otter'

@DancingWithMyDemons business

Guys I just ate lunch but im hungry…

what did you have for lunch?

an otterpop and plantains

this is the first time I have ever seen a real person call them otterpops
what is the logic behind that

they are cold so you hold them close to you so as to cool yourself down? snuggle it like an otter?

who tf sees a freezie and their first thought is 'oooh I can snuggle it like an otter'

idk, I was making up bs.

Deleted user

here is a list of Nice Words:

Redamancy: the act of loving someone who loves you
Petrichor: the smell of earth after rain
Tacenda: something better left unsaid
Eutony: the pleasantness of a word's sound
Thanatophobia: the fear of losing someone you love
Alexithymia: difficulty describing feelings to someone
Nepenthe: someone or something that can make you forget grief or suffering
Phosphenes: the 'stars' you see when you rub your eyes
Eccedentesiast: someone who hides pain behind a smile

Deleted user

here is a list of Nice Words:

Redamancy: the act of loving someone who loves you
Petrichor: the smell of earth after rain
Tacenda: something better left unsaid
Eutony: the pleasantness of a word's sound
Thanatophobia: the fear of losing someone you love
Alexithymia: difficulty describing feelings to someone
Nepenthe: someone or something that can make you forget grief or suffering
Phosphenes: the 'stars' you see when you rub your eyes
Eccedentesiast: someone who hides pain behind a smile

Defenestrate and Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia are cool words too. :D

Deleted user

I need snuggles, but i have none to snuggle with!!!! cries in lonely


Deleted user

Ever just- wanna say “screw you” to an adult?


Deleted user

here is a list of Nice Words:

Redamancy: the act of loving someone who loves you
Petrichor: the smell of earth after rain
Tacenda: something better left unsaid
Eutony: the pleasantness of a word's sound
Thanatophobia: the fear of losing someone you love
Alexithymia: difficulty describing feelings to someone
Nepenthe: someone or something that can make you forget grief or suffering
Phosphenes: the 'stars' you see when you rub your eyes
Eccedentesiast: someone who hides pain behind a smile

Defenestrate and Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia are cool words too. :D

I use defenestrate on the daily. I like the sound and meaning of 'quondam,' too: belonging to something past, once but no longer.