forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Large Fonts, Duolingo Threats, Chicky Babies, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken (This chat is discontinued, move onto part 2 of this please.)
Started by @IamNOTachickenok

people_alt 105 followers

@DancingWithMyDemons business

My friend is telling me not to join cheesecake so i might join cheesecake to spite her

Who is your friend?
You totally should join team cheesecake just despite her

NO Stop! Do not corrupt her with your disgusting demonstration of fake pie

@-LemonTail- language

You guys should make powerpoints to convince people to join your teams


also, the other people on the chicken team are never here
(one deleted account and the other doesn't check sobs)

Deleted user

You guys should make powerpoints to convince people to join your teams


Deleted user

My friend is telling me not to join cheesecake so i might join cheesecake to spite her

Who is your friend?
You totally should join team cheesecake just despite her

NO Stop! Do not corrupt her with your disgusting demonstration of fake pie

thats my friend

@just_gabs_needs_springtime group

You guys should make powerpoints to convince people to join your teams

My official recruiter left the site and I don’t have the list she made
Basically, on team cheesecake you get free cheesecake and hugs, we dance badly a lot.
Also, if you’re lactose intolerant, we have friendly options for you in terms of cheesecake (milk alternatives, lactose free stuff like that)
You can even join if you don’t like cheesecake
Plus, we are allied with most other teams (Chancla and Primus, I’m in the process of trying to secure an alliance with other teams as well)

@just_gabs_needs_springtime group

My friend is telling me not to join cheesecake so i might join cheesecake to spite her

Who is your friend?
You totally should join team cheesecake just despite her

NO Stop! Do not corrupt her with your disgusting demonstration of fake pie

Le gasp
I was unaware that you don’t like cheesecake :(
You don’t even have to like cheesecake to be on team cheesecake

Deleted user

✨ L'anglais est stupide ✨

So’s French

I am offended.

European French is weird

French-Canadian is weirder.

Well, see, there's Canadian French and Quebecois French. Which one?


European French is like. Weird. The people don't speak with their hands?? And it's so formal and their accents are strange?

. . . Technically, European-French was there first. So. . . I mean. . .

Oh, you want to speak technicalities??
Technically, Americans are what British people should sound like. The common 'British' accent was developed by snooty 15th-century nobles to distinguish them from the Lower Classes.
And I still find it quite strange that European French people don't talk with their hands!!

Deleted user

You guys should make powerpoints to convince people to join your teams

My official recruiter left the site and I don’t have the list she made
Basically, on team cheesecake you get free cheesecake and hugs, we dance badly a lot.
Also, if you’re lactose intolerant, we have friendly options for you in terms of cheesecake (milk alternatives, lactose free stuff like that)
You can even join if you don’t like cheesecake
Plus, we are allied with most other teams (Chancla and Primus, I’m in the process of trying to secure an alliance with other teams as well)

;-; not me-

Deleted user

I'm joining this cult

Salve, the name's Phantom (or Bear). Nice to meetcha!

@just_gabs_needs_springtime group

You guys should make powerpoints to convince people to join your teams

My official recruiter left the site and I don’t have the list she made
Basically, on team cheesecake you get free cheesecake and hugs, we dance badly a lot.
Also, if you’re lactose intolerant, we have friendly options for you in terms of cheesecake (milk alternatives, lactose free stuff like that)
You can even join if you don’t like cheesecake
Plus, we are allied with most other teams (Chancla and Primus, I’m in the process of trying to secure an alliance with other teams as well)

;-; not me-

Do you want an alliance friend?
I am happy to make alliance with the entertainer :)

@-LemonTail- language

also, the other people on the chicken team are never here
(one deleted account and the other doesn't check sobs)

Yeah, did matchstick ever say why she left?

I'm not sure
I left for a week and came back and then realized she left during that time so I have no idea

Deleted user

Wait, who's on what team? and What teams still exist?

Ghostie - Gemma
Chancla - ???
Cheesecake - Gabs
Chicken - Anti-Chicken
Entertainers - Jaiden
Primus de Pulvere Natus - Arya, denny

@just_gabs_needs_springtime group

also, the other people on the chicken team are never here
(one deleted account and the other doesn't check sobs)

Yeah, did matchstick ever say why she left?

I'm not sure
I left for a week and realized she was gone so I have no idea

Oh man
Yeah, cause I had a couple RP’s with her and arrow and I know why arrow left but I never found out why matchstick did

@-LemonTail- language

also, the other people on the chicken team are never here
(one deleted account and the other doesn't check sobs)

Yeah, did matchstick ever say why she left?

I'm not sure
I left for a week and realized she was gone so I have no idea

Oh man
Yeah, cause I had a couple RP’s with her and arrow and I know why arrow left but I never found out why matchstick did


Deleted user

You guys should make powerpoints to convince people to join your teams

My official recruiter left the site and I don’t have the list she made
Basically, on team cheesecake you get free cheesecake and hugs, we dance badly a lot.
Also, if you’re lactose intolerant, we have friendly options for you in terms of cheesecake (milk alternatives, lactose free stuff like that)
You can even join if you don’t like cheesecake
Plus, we are allied with most other teams (Chancla and Primus, I’m in the process of trying to secure an alliance with other teams as well)

;-; not me-

Do you want an alliance friend?
I am happy to make alliance with the entertainer :)

It would have to be discussed with the Lord of Riots but I'm sure we could come up with something :)

@DancingWithMyDemons business

also, the other people on the chicken team are never here
(one deleted account and the other doesn't check sobs)

Yeah, did matchstick ever say why she left?

I'm not sure
I left for a week and realized she was gone so I have no idea

Oh man
Yeah, cause I had a couple RP’s with her and arrow and I know why arrow left but I never found out why matchstick did

Why did arrow leave?

Deleted user

Wait, who's on what team? and What teams still exist?

Ghostie - Gemma
Chancla - ???
Cheesecake - Gabs
Chicken - Anti-Chicken
Entertainers - Jaiden
Primus de Pulvere Natus - Arya, denny

(Neutrality also exists… wait i thought Gemma was on Primus.)

@just_gabs_needs_springtime group

Wait, who's on what team? and What teams still exist?

Ghostie - Gemma
Chancla - ???
Cheesecake - Gabs
Chicken - Anti-Chicken
Entertainers - Jaiden
Primus de Pulvere Natus - Arya, denny

Chancla is Pandora and Ame, pretty sure Liz is also on that team as well

Oh, also I know minion is on team cheesecake but she’s not online very much
And I think Avry has dual citizenship for cheesecake and Primus (could be wrong on that though)