forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Large Fonts, Duolingo Threats, Chicky Babies, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken (This chat is discontinued, move onto part 2 of this please.)
Started by @IamNOTachickenok

people_alt 107 followers

@maglo-the-stressed-person language

I saw two clips for the new Mario movie but in Spanish and I immediately knew that both the Spanish and the English version are gonna be great

I saw the Mario movie a couple days ago, it’s pretty good and also ridiculous

you're so far behind ;-;

Well sorry I just woke up >:( /j


Deleted user

I saw two clips for the new Mario movie but in Spanish and I immediately knew that both the Spanish and the English version are gonna be great

I saw the Mario movie a couple days ago, it’s pretty good and also ridiculous

you're so far behind ;-;

Well sorry I just woke up >:( /j


okay fuck you >:( (/j)

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

I saw two clips for the new Mario movie but in Spanish and I immediately knew that both the Spanish and the English version are gonna be great

I saw the Mario movie a couple days ago, it’s pretty good and also ridiculous

you're so far behind ;-;

Well sorry I just woke up >:( /j


Good morning :)

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

I saw two clips for the new Mario movie but in Spanish and I immediately knew that both the Spanish and the English version are gonna be great

I saw the Mario movie a couple days ago, it’s pretty good and also ridiculous

you're so far behind ;-;

Well sorry I just woke up >:( /j


okay fuck you >:( (/j)

Fuck you, goatman!

Deleted user

I saw two clips for the new Mario movie but in Spanish and I immediately knew that both the Spanish and the English version are gonna be great

I saw the Mario movie a couple days ago, it’s pretty good and also ridiculous

you're so far behind ;-;

Well sorry I just woke up >:( /j


okay fuck you >:( (/j)

Fuck you, goatman!

fuck you, cowardly dog!

@im-with-stoopid pets

☌⍜⍜⎅⋏⟒⌇⌇ ☌⍀⏃☊⟟⍜⎍⌇ ⍙⊑⏃⏁ ⍜⋏ ⟒⏃⍀⏁⊑ ⟟⌇ ⍜☊☊⎍⍀⍀⟟⋏☌ ⏃⏁ ⏁⊑⟟⌇ ☊⎍⍀⍀⟒⋏⏁ ⋔⍜⋔⟒⋏⏁

@Eli-the-transboi group

☌⍜⍜⎅⋏⟒⌇⌇ ☌⍀⏃☊⟟⍜⎍⌇ ⍙⊑⏃⏁ ⍜⋏ ⟒⏃⍀⏁⊑ ⟟⌇ ⍜☊☊⎍⍀⍀⟟⋏☌ ⏃⏁ ⏁⊑⟟⌇ ☊⎍⍀⍀⟒⋏⏁ ⋔⍜⋔⟒⋏⏁

blinks i could hardly understand what you just said-

@maglo-the-stressed-person language

☌⍜⍜⎅⋏⟒⌇⌇ ☌⍀⏃☊⟟⍜⎍⌇ ⍙⊑⏃⏁ ⍜⋏ ⟒⏃⍀⏁⊑ ⟟⌇ ⍜☊☊⎍⍀⍀⟟⋏☌ ⏃⏁ ⏁⊑⟟⌇ ☊⎍⍀⍀⟒⋏⏁ ⋔⍜⋔⟒⋏⏁

☊⎍⌇⌇⟟⋏☌. ⌰⍜⏁⌇ ⍜⎎ ⟟⏁. ⏃⋏⎅ ⌇⍜⋔⟒ ⌿⟒⍜⌿⌰⟒ ⏃⎎⍀⏃⟟⎅ ⍜⎎ ⟟⏁.

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

Does anyone else have a burning hatred of Roombas?


Seriously, though, ours always runs over my feet and runs into stuff and it just gets in the way and doesn’t even do it’s job so I have to go back and vacuum
There’s been so many times where I just want to throw him off the porch

@Eli-the-transboi group

☌⍜⍜⎅⋏⟒⌇⌇ ☌⍀⏃☊⟟⍜⎍⌇ ⍙⊑⏃⏁ ⍜⋏ ⟒⏃⍀⏁⊑ ⟟⌇ ⍜☊☊⎍⍀⍀⟟⋏☌ ⏃⏁ ⏁⊑⟟⌇ ☊⎍⍀⍀⟒⋏⏁ ⋔⍜⋔⟒⋏⏁

☊⎍⌇⌇⟟⋏☌. ⌰⍜⏁⌇ ⍜⎎ ⟟⏁. ⏃⋏⎅ ⌇⍜⋔⟒ ⌿⟒⍜⌿⌰⟒ ⏃⎎⍀⏃⟟⎅ ⍜⎎ ⟟⏁.


@im-with-stoopid pets

☌⍜⍜⎅⋏⟒⌇⌇ ☌⍀⏃☊⟟⍜⎍⌇ ⍙ ⊑⏃⏁ ⍜⋏ ⟒⏃⍀⏁⊑ ⟟⌇ ⍜☊☊⎍⍀⍀⟟⋏☌ ⏃⏁ ⏁⊑⟟⌇ ☊⎍⍀⍀⟒⋏⏁ ⋔⍜⋔⟒⋏⏁

blinks i could hardly understand what you just said-

⍙⟒⌰⌰ ⏁⊑⏃⏁'⌇ ⏃ ⌿⍀⍜⏚⌰⟒⋔ ⎎⍜⍀ ⊬⍜⎍ ⋏⍜⏁ ⋔⟒ ⏚⟒☊⏃⎍⌇⟒ ⊬⍜⎍ ⌇⎍⌿⌿⍜⌇⟒ ⍜⋏ ⏁⊑⟒ ⏁⊑⟟⋏☌ ⏃⋏⎅ ⎍⋏⎅⟒⍀ ⌇⏁⍜⍜⎅ ⏁⊑⟒ ⌇⊬⋔⏚⍜⌰ ⌇⌿⟒⏃☍⟟⋏☌ ⋏⍜⍙ ⎍⋏⎅⟒⍀⌇⏁⏃⋏

@Eli-the-transboi group

Does anyone else have a burning hatred of Roombas?


Seriously, though, ours always runs over my feet and runs into stuff and it just gets in the way and doesn’t even do it’s job so I have to go back and vacuum
There’s been so many times where I just want to throw him off the porch

Give the rumba a knife and unleash it into the accent Greek gods homes-

@Eli-the-transboi group

☌⍜⍜⎅⋏⟒⌇⌇ ☌⍀⏃☊⟟⍜⎍⌇ ⍙ ⊑⏃⏁ ⍜⋏ ⟒⏃⍀⏁⊑ ⟟⌇ ⍜☊☊⎍⍀⍀⟟⋏☌ ⏃⏁ ⏁⊑⟟⌇ ☊⎍⍀⍀⟒⋏⏁ ⋔⍜⋔⟒⋏⏁

blinks i could hardly understand what you just said-

⍙⟒⌰⌰ ⏁⊑⏃⏁'⌇ ⏃ ⌿⍀⍜⏚⌰⟒⋔ ⎎⍜⍀ ⊬⍜⎍ ⋏⍜⏁ ⋔⟒ ⏚⟒☊⏃⎍⌇⟒ ⊬⍜⎍ ⌇⎍⌿⌿⍜⌇⟒ ⍜⋏ ⏁⊑⟒ ⏁⊑⟟⋏☌ ⏃⋏⎅ ⎍⋏⎅⟒⍀ ⌇⏁⍜⍜⎅ ⏁⊑⟒ ⌇⊬⋔⏚⍜⌰ ⌇⌿⟒⏃☍⟟⋏☌ ⋏⍜⍙ ⎍⋏⎅⟒⍀⌇⏁⏃⋏

XD 🖕