forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Eldritch Beings, Old Rivalries, Chicken Chaos, Large Fonts, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken Part 3: Tokyo Drift (CLOSED)
Started by @Morals-are-for-mortals language

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I wish to self-destruct

nod same-

My body seems to be self-destructing on its own ngl. My ears are repeatedly failing and un-failing and also there’s a pain in my side that’s probably my internal organs

Im blanking on the name now but its the condition where the organ is about to burst… idek

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

I wish to self-destruct

nod same-

My body seems to be self-destructing on its own ngl. My ears are repeatedly failing and un-failing and also there’s a pain in my side that’s probably my internal organs

Im blanking on the name now but its the condition where the organ is about to burst… idek

Oh the appendix and appendicitis? Eh probably not my hypothesis is the uterus (this happens every once in a while)


I wish to self-destruct

nod same-

My body seems to be self-destructing on its own ngl. My ears are repeatedly failing and un-failing and also there’s a pain in my side that’s probably my internal organs

Im blanking on the name now but its the condition where the organ is about to burst… idek

Oh the appendix and appendicitis? Eh probably not my hypothesis is the uterus (this happens every once in a while)

Yes that one!- Im- so- sorry-

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

I wish to self-destruct

nod same-

My body seems to be self-destructing on its own ngl. My ears are repeatedly failing and un-failing and also there’s a pain in my side that’s probably my internal organs

Im blanking on the name now but its the condition where the organ is about to burst… idek

Oh the appendix and appendicitis? Eh probably not my hypothesis is the uterus (this happens every once in a while)

Yes that one!- Im- so- sorry-

LMAO don’t be-

Deleted user

How many words is too many for a word

Depends on how far down the scale it is between Yes and Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

Deleted user

Apparently, sentences shouldn't be longer than 30 words, but I like my stupidly ornate flowery writing style

I think it depends on if its a run-on sentence or not. So more grammar and punctuation then the exact number of words.

@im-with-stoopid pets

Apparently, sentences shouldn't be longer than 30 words, but I like my stupidly ornate flowery writing style

I think it depends on if its a run-on sentence or not. So more grammar and punctuation then the exact number of words.

Grammarly doesn't think it's a run-on, it's pretty long but there's a comma + conjunction there
It's not even giving me the usual "wordy sentences" premium shenanigans it usually does

*By pretty long, I mean, like 38 words.