forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Eldritch Beings, Old Rivalries, Chicken Chaos, Large Fonts, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken Part 3: Tokyo Drift (CLOSED)
Started by @Morals-are-for-mortals language

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Deleted user

Why would they?

They (Well, my school at least)block plenty of other harmless sites, including ones that have actual academic information I'm looking for!

Deleted user

Does anyone want my emotions? They’re malfunctioning.

yeah sure, I can pretend I'm human for a few more hours with these

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

I played red door yellow door at my party. This is how it went. My friend webt first. All was normal. Then he approached a house and said it had a red door. As soon as he said red door THE LIGHT STARTED FLICKERING. After we calmed down. It was my turn. I woke up in a blue room with a TV stand abd a TV with static. Then I webt through a white door. I was in a classroom. The walls were green. There was a rug that a girl peed on in 2nd grade. There was books but I couldn't make out the words and a big wooden rocking chair. There were tw9 doors. A green and navy one. I went through the green one. I was outside the building looked like a hospital. White and lined with windows. I went into a yellow house. It was empty on the bottom floor. I went upstairs. There were 3 doors I ended up going in the yellow one. It lead me to a nursery. A crib, rocking char, bassinet, and bookshelves were in the room. In the crib a elephant headed plush. On the floor there was a ducky toy. There was a door to what looked to be a closet. It was a long beige hallway. There were painting alternating. All landscapes. At the end of the hallway. A red door. I went through it into a burgundy room, this is when i started shiveribg abd shaking irl. There was wood paneling up to about my hips. In the middle of the room a pool table in a corner some cues. In the paneling there was a door. It lead to a small dirt crawlspace. It wound and wound goibg uo and down. I turned around to leave but I couldn't find and exit. Then I was told to wake up.

@False-andrew flash_on

Hey Gemma, I have a stupid question.
Have you ever hit your head on a doorframe?

Fuck yes. Doors tend to be a little short-

Amazing thank you. You have no idea how long I've wanted to ask this question LMAO

It sucks-