forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Eldritch Beings, Old Rivalries, Chicken Chaos, Large Fonts, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken Part 3: Tokyo Drift (CLOSED)
Started by @Morals-are-for-mortals language

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@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

The doors swing open, cold rushes in
With the people. I wait. Wait. Wait.
The waiting is like a hospital room
Wanting to know when the waiting is over.
Finally. The rope drops and
We rush inside.

The merch booth like a beautiful
emerald gem. Coveted. Desired.
People all around chatter and speak as
The line moves up.

Dorks and nerds alike
Get their things and move along
To the next booth. And the next.
And the next. We move with them.
The collection in our arms growing
Like the anticipation. Like the moon.

The theater is cold, cool. It smells
Like slightly damp moss. Misty. Mysterious.
Creepy music, fitting with the show,
Plays as projections dance aross the
Closed curtains.

We study the border
What looks like picture frames
Light up alternating between
Purple, white, and green.
Like a spinning wheel.
It can’t seem to make up its mind.

A loud crack fills the auditorium.
Silence. Darkness.
Focus on one thing only
The lights flicker around. Like beacons
Summoning our attrition. Telling us to put our phones
Away and live. To simply experience.

The curtains open.
A casket in the middle of the stage.
A chorus begins singing.
And I know I am home.
I know I am ready.

@the-void-galactic language

Prolly gonna finish watching across the spiderverse today, I’ve been putting that off for some reason ☠️

Oooooooo fun

It’s my new hyperfixation and I’m simping for like half of the cast. I just know the animation team was down bad /hj

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

Headphones died 😔
Doodling in class to pass the time

this is why i use wired headphones lol (def not the fact that the bow on my hello kitty wireless headphones fell off and they look bad without it.)

Deleted user

Headphones died 😔
Doodling in class to pass the time

this is why i use wired headphones lol (def not the fact that the bow on my hello kitty wireless headphones fell off and they look bad without it.)

I prefer bluetooth cuz its easier to be hoppitiing around and not worrying about the wire falling out
also my phone literally doesnt have a headphone jack so

@the-void-galactic language

Headphones died 😔
Doodling in class to pass the time

this is why i use wired headphones lol (def not the fact that the bow on my hello kitty wireless headphones fell off and they look bad without it.)

I prefer bluetooth cuz its easier to be hoppitiing around and not worrying about the wire falling out
also my phone literally doesnt have a headphone jack so

Mood tho
I always pretend I’m in a music video so if I get tangled in the wire I’m doomed