forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Eldritch Beings, Old Rivalries, Chicken Chaos, Large Fonts, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken Part 3: Tokyo Drift (CLOSED)
Started by @Morals-are-for-mortals language

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@Eli-the-transboi group

A bored Squeaky friend appears and starts tossing Skittles around…

Ah hello. looks around quick- run while you can-

Squeaky friend turns, waves, then snickers evilly and tosses out more Skittles…

laughs good luck-

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

A bored Squeaky friend appears and starts tossing Skittles around…

Ah hello. looks around quick- run while you can-

Squeaky friend turns, waves, then snickers evilly and tosses out more Skittles…

laughs good luck-

A loud, squeaky evil laugh, then Squeaky friend brings out a large bag of skittles and pours out a big mound on the ground.


Squeaky friend pours a third mound of skittles nearby. Then, slips away to watch what happens with a bag of popcorn in hand…

What have you done?? The monster has been unleashed now. Someone get gramps his meds

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Squeaky friend pours a third mound of skittles nearby. Then, slips away to watch what happens with a bag of popcorn in hand…

What have you done?? The monster has been unleashed now. Someone get gramps his meds

Squeaky friend snickers evilly, then holds up a bag labeled “Gramp’s Meds”. You mean these?


Squeaky friend pours a third mound of skittles nearby. Then, slips away to watch what happens with a bag of popcorn in hand…

What have you done?? The monster has been unleashed now. Someone get gramps his meds

Squeaky friend snickers evilly, then holds up a bag labeled “Gramp’s Meds”. You mean these?


@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Squeaky friend pours a third mound of skittles nearby. Then, slips away to watch what happens with a bag of popcorn in hand…

What have you done?? The monster has been unleashed now. Someone get gramps his meds

Squeaky friend snickers evilly, then holds up a bag labeled “Gramp’s Meds”. You mean these?


Squeaky friend snickers. For the right bribe, I will return them…

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

leaps out of what's left of the second mound of Skittles like a breaching whale, making that same rumbling sound they do in the movies before splashing back in and scattering Skittles everywhere

Scrambles across the floor into the third pile of Skittles, looking like some hellacious blend of a vacuum cleaner and all things Eldritch


Squeaky friend stashes the meds and turns back to watch the horror, once more eating popcorn…

Why oh why would you do this?
shakes head
What do you want for gramp gramps meds

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Squeaky friend stashes the meds and turns back to watch the horror, once more eating popcorn…

Why oh why would you do this?
shakes head
What do you want for gramp gramps meds

Finishes all the Skittles in the mound and go snuffling around along the floor, looking for any stragglers. Head whips up at the mention of the name Gramp Gramps. Glares with red glowing eyes at yellowqueen, nostrils flaring


Squeaky friend stashes the meds and turns back to watch the horror, once more eating popcorn…

Why oh why would you do this?
shakes head
What do you want for gramp gramps meds

Squeaky friend grins evilly, Chaos!
Hums… Gumbo.

Gumbo? Why gumbo


Squeaky friend stashes the meds and turns back to watch the horror, once more eating popcorn…

Why oh why would you do this?
shakes head
What do you want for gramp gramps meds

Finishes all the Skittles in the mound and go snuffling around along the floor, looking for any stragglers. Head whips up at the mention of the name Gramp Gramps. Glares with red glowing eyes at yellowqueen, nostrils flaring

sighs deeply

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Squeaky friend stashes the meds and turns back to watch the horror, once more eating popcorn…

Why oh why would you do this?
shakes head
What do you want for gramp gramps meds

Squeaky friend grins evilly, Chaos!
Hums… Gumbo.

Gumbo? Why gumbo

Because. Squeaky friend blinks like the answer is obvious.