forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers


id just like to put down some names of people who have really pissed me off lately (no one off this site, dont worry)
can they all just go sit in a corner and learn to mind their own business and stop lying??

Deleted user

theres a girl who hates me because her man was trying to flirt with me when i first moved here nearly a year ago,  this is a long story but forreal she wants to start shit now and i might fight her

around last  year i moved to FHS, i met Tyler on the bus and we started connecting in a FRIEND way, when he started flirting with me it was totally awkward, i knew he had a girl and i know i have standards, the only thing he could offer me was tree (if you know you know) and sex, so yall know i rejected him flat out saying i only liked girls (not exactly true but i wasn't telling him that) and i "adopted" him as my son so he'd stop calling me "beautiful" every time he saw me, some of yall will say whats the problem with that, but i didn't like it, it made me feel uncomfortable,

he stopped flirting and things went to normal. untill a couple of months ago i met this chick  T who is dating tyler still, when i introduced myself to her she said "oh i know who you are, tyler talked about you alot" i got more info and she was jealous because shes very protective of her little manhoes, especially tyler. who was being passed around by every straight girl in his class who'd take him with her allowing it. she was going to break up with him for her friend who developed a crush on him, a week later their friendship ended with T because she wasnt giving up her man,

she still hates me and gives me dirty looks like wtf im a gay with standards so neither you or your boy toy look good to me 

Deleted user

interesting situation you got there

Ignore the chick, and the problems disappear

Deleted user

interesting situation you got there

Ignore the chick, and the problems disappear

imma kill her with kindness like i do all the other girls who hate me without reason.

Deleted user

baylee was here momentarily and I missed him. my heart is broken

Deleted user

Im so mad/annoyed/tired/slap-happy/numb/slightly (very much) melancholy/generally emotionally exhausted that I greeted my boss by telling her I'd rather have the bubonic plague then work today.

long story short–im still at work but she bought be steamed pork buns and nigori sake for lunch.

now im all those things and slightly tipsy.

Deleted user

seems like a stupid reason to fight someone if you ask me

Im only defensive at certain times, if you insult me it rarely ticks me off if it's true, but you go out on a limb and accuse me of something i will not make an effort to talk to you or sort anything out and you will become the dirt I walk on.

I will not fight her, im not a barbarian, or remotely intimidating, but im still pissed.

Deleted user

baylee was here momentarily and I missed him. my heart is broken

What happened

Deleted user

baylee was here momentarily and I missed him. my heart is broken

What happened

nothing. im just bored and miss your absurdity

Deleted user

baylee was here momentarily and I missed him. my heart is broken

What happened

nothing. im just bored and miss your absurdity

I'm back

Deleted user

baylee was here momentarily and I missed him. my heart is broken

What happened

nothing. im just bored and miss your absurdity

I'm back
