forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

@saor_illust school

I'd like to be rude to my hair for being an absolute m e s s on a daily basis.

Ugh I feel you. Big time.
Except even though I know it's probably only daily it feels like it gets tangled like every second and it's really annoying.

@The-Magician group

I always miss the good stuff when I’m asleep, what do I have to do to be included in conversations?? Move to America???

Edit: ………….Hey Moxie, what do you say I buy a place over there??


Ah I see. How is that legal?

8.50 is above minimum wage where I am, he gets paid more, I don't get digital tips (I just work at an ice cream place, so we only get cash tips, and not everyone gives those)

Deleted user

damn I forgot other states barely give minimum wage. I feel so sorry for you ngl

Deleted user

Also I’d like to be rude to this cold that suddenly manifested itself in my face.

However, due to my massive effort, I feel significantly better than what I did about half an hour ago. It only feels like I’m on my fourth day of cold rather than the first, which is usually the worst day for me.

I’ve had the cold like, a million times this season. It pisses me off, but at least it won’t last as long.


Yeah it's not fun because I hate my job and I'm always miserable there, and I'm not even getting paid much to do it
But I'm not really old enough to work anywhere that pays more

Deleted user

oof that sucks. At least you’re making some cash, though.


Yeah, a little bit
And I just looked it up, $7.25 is the minimum wage in my state which is apparently the lowest oof

@ElderGod-kirky group

Also I’d like to be rude to this cold that suddenly manifested itself in my face.

However, due to my massive effort, I feel significantly better than what I did about half an hour ago. It only feels like I’m on my fourth day of cold rather than the first, which is usually the worst day for me.

I’ve had the cold like, a million times this season. It pisses me off, but at least it won’t last as long.

I have been surrounded by deathly ill people, someone with the flu that got fed up with the mask, and my family has all been sick in turns

I'm still safe somehow and I don't know how that's possible considering the plague that swept through my school

@Pickles group

Ah I see. How is that legal?

8.50 is above minimum wage where I am, he gets paid more, I don't get digital tips (I just work at an ice cream place, so we only get cash tips, and not everyone gives those)

Aren't tips supposed to go to the person you gave them to? How is splitting them equally fair?


Ah I see. How is that legal?

8.50 is above minimum wage where I am, he gets paid more, I don't get digital tips (I just work at an ice cream place, so we only get cash tips, and not everyone gives those)

Aren't tips supposed to go to the person you gave them to? How is splitting them equally fair?

Idk man I think in my state, as long as it isn't an actual fancy restaurant, the tips are split amongst all the employees

Deleted user

Also I’d like to be rude to this cold that suddenly manifested itself in my face.

However, due to my massive effort, I feel significantly better than what I did about half an hour ago. It only feels like I’m on my fourth day of cold rather than the first, which is usually the worst day for me.

I’ve had the cold like, a million times this season. It pisses me off, but at least it won’t last as long.

I have been surrounded by deathly ill people, someone with the flu that got fed up with the mask, and my family has all been sick in turns

I'm still safe somehow and I don't know how that's possible considering the plague that swept through my school

ugh I’m actually overjoyed because I don’t have the flu, yet a whole boatload of people have been missing because of it.

@Pickles group

Someone moved all the waterbottles and now I have no idea which one is mine. I'm going to scream at someone. I want out of this car. I hate these people

Deleted user

Yall forget that I WAS a teenager once. wheeze I didn'tjust spring out of my mother a fully formed adult wearing battle armor

Teenage Eris must have been a sight for sore eyes

Deleted user

processing. . .


process failed; please restart

shutting down. . .

Deleted user

Are we sure she wasn't born a 25 year old with purple hair?

I think I need a baby photo to prove otherwise.