forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

My mom sure loves to group my sister and I together when it comes to chores. My half of the dishes, which is what she means by 'chores' most of the time, depends on my sister doing her half. I can't fucking load the thing when there are still dishes IN there. I'm tired of the "YoU dIdNt Do ChOrEs" when I CAN'T do mine until lazyass over there does hers. Usually I'm the one yelling at her to do it so I can go to bed at a decent hour

Mmm. I get that. It truly is frustrating. It's like, "get out of bed before I chuck you out of a window!" It annoying to have to deal with and annoying when no one does what they are supposed to and it gets me in trouble. It's just… no. Nope. I feel bad for ya, stuff like that truly does suck.

@Pickles group

My mom sure loves to group my sister and I together when it comes to chores. My half of the dishes, which is what she means by 'chores' most of the time, depends on my sister doing her half. I can't fucking load the thing when there are still dishes IN there. I'm tired of the "YoU dIdNt Do ChOrEs" when I CAN'T do mine until lazyass over there does hers. Usually I'm the one yelling at her to do it so I can go to bed at a decent hour

That's what my dad does. It sucks

Deleted user

I'd like to be rude to my shoulder for continuing to burn and pop out of its socket every time I move.

Deleted user

Totally not listening the the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack instead of doing my work

@ElderGod-kirky group

Woke up late and in an already pissy mood. Forgot to pack my lunch so I haven't eaten yet (it's 12:00ish rn). Eyeballs hurt from doing figure drawing, not to mention I missed the lesson so I don't know wtf I'm doing.

I'm doing swell, how 'bout y'all?

Deleted user

I'd like to be rude to my shoulder for continuing to burn and pop out of its socket every time I move.

I cannot stress enough how this cannot be really what's going on with your shoulder. But I think you should be wearing a sling if it's bothering you. Once that cartilage is gone you will not be able to move your arm again.

Deleted user

I'd like to be rude to my shoulder for continuing to burn and pop out of its socket every time I move.

I cannot stress enough how this cannot be really what's going on with your shoulder. But I think you should be wearing a sling if it's bothering you. Once that cartilage is gone you will not be able to move your arm again.

I should go to the doctor, yes, but my parents refuse to go because I'm 'lying'

@Pickles group

My lips are so chapped and my entire face hurts so that's how my day's going

Mmm. Chapped lips are my specialty.

I can't find any of my Carmex and I'm very upset


Huh, so you decide to post on the thread you're supposedly banned from, after harrassing another user to send me a message stating that YOU REFUSED TO POST HERE CUZ YOU'RE BANNED?!

And also, stalking a thread you're banned from, and then sending me a message not even a SINGLE MINUTE after I post, referencing a user that may or may not have been you.


And then you send this shit here?

No wonder people find you irritating and creepy.

Quit pussyfooting around and message me in a public thread already instead of slinking around my inbox. Or are you too cowardly about starting something with me? Huh, punk?