forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

@HighPockets group

Jesus Christ what kind of stories are you guys writing?? At least some of my characters are happy or at least become happy

Fantasy mostly. Many have good lives. But not many important characters have happy lives all the way through. See Nathaniel who dies at 23 or so but had a great life.

Fantasy, maybe-dystopian, and realistic fiction.

Deleted user

ah lmao

ye I saw that, it’s a pretty funky way of spelling one name.

Deleted user

Oh, I have a character for an RPG named Nathaniel, he's a vampire hitman.

Deleted user

Update on broken hand: Just a contusion

Oh no–they'll have to amputate. How horrible.

@saor_illust school

Hey, question. From far away, does my profile picture look like a Dodo to you?

So I feel like I'm just dragging it up from the past, but yes your pfp does slightly resemble a dodo to me.
However, I would like to further analyze your pfp. From what I can tell, it is a dod, but with a four-legged jet-black squid as a head instead, while the squid is positioned sideways, so the legs are pointing forwards.

@Kamea public

Hey, question. From far away, does my profile picture look like a Dodo to you?

So I feel like I'm just dragging it up from the past, but yes your pfp does slightly resemble a dodo to me.
However, I would like to further analyze your pfp. From what I can tell, it is a dod, but with a four-legged jet-black squid as a head instead, while the squid is positioned sideways, so the legs are pointing forwards.

Am I the only one thinking it's a person about to be grabbed by hands that have the night sky on their palms? Yeah? Okay.

@Pickles group

Next thing you know you'll be a middle aged alcoholic who is always drunk and suddenly dies leaving your less than half your age cousin who has all of maybe three memories of you unrightfully devastated-

@The-Magician group

Next thing you know you'll be a middle aged alcoholic who is always drunk and suddenly dies leaving your less than half your age cousin who has all of maybe three memories of you unrightfully devestated-

I promise you, I will not be dying any time soon, especially from alcohol.
Besides, I have kids here who need me to protect them.
Moxie would would be devastated, two people would kill themselves, and the only good thing that would come from me dying would be my parents thinking it was there fault.