forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I literally just walked into a closed glass door because I dissociated so hard I forgot where I was.

heh–I hate being sick.

Nyquil is making me sleepy but redbull is giving me hyper focus

Deleted user

You're lying if you say you've never ran into a glass door

@Mojack group

I’m not lying, I haven’t run into a glass door yet. Still waiting for that moment just like my fish moment

I have run straight into a person, however

And I mean: I CHARGED straight into that person for a reason I don’t understand today


i walked straight into a stop sign that i had looked at thirty seconds earlier and then looked back at right before walking into, but i haven't run into a glass door. i think i ran into a screen door a few times one summer and broke it tho

Deleted user

I'm proud to say I run into at least one glass door every few months or so.

@The-Magician group

I've never walked into a glass door because I am so paranoid about my surroundings that when I'm anywhere but work I always look at everything so I know I'm not going to walk into anything.
At work is another matter…

Deleted user

I basically smash into every corner I take, and if anyone has the displeasure of being at my side whenever I lean into them to not completely fall over they get smushed into the opposite flowing side

Deleted user

Lol I constantly run into people as I walk. Constantly. Especially if said someone is walking beside me, I'm guaranteed to run into them at least 5+ times.

@The-Magician group

I'd like to take a moment to be rude to my main manager.
When I was 4 months into my job, multiple crew trainers put my name forward for becoming a crew trainer myself, however I wouldn't be able to start the training until I was 6 months into the job.
Here I am, a year into the job, and even though I have spoke to my manager about becoming a crew trainer, he hasn't said a word to me about it—yet there is someone who has been there for a lot less time than me, has a lot less experience than me, and she is already being given stuff for the crew trainer training program AND it has been hinted to her that she might become a shift manager.
Like what the actual fuck.. What more do I need to do to prove that I am worthy and capable of being a crew trainer?!

Deleted user

Ohhhhh do I know that feel.

You've tried talking to them about it already, I assume?