forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

Also, if you didn't loose your virginity while Michael Jackson was playing, you didn't do it right

@The-Magician group

Hmm…. Anyone who was born before the 1st Century is now hereby part of the Celestial Generation.

I think most pre-1900s generations are just covered in eras. So like Elizabethan, Victorian (my personal favorite), Industrial, etc.

I know about the eras, I was around for them..
So maybe pre-1st century could be the Celestial Era?

Maybe, but it's not really up for us to decide.

It is up for me to decide I’ll have you know. Remember that I am significantly older than all but possibly 1 of you. I decide the name of the Era from when I was born, and if you don’t like it then tough—you’re not in a position to challenge that.

Deleted user

oof, ruby's piano sucks! my one inner world is so much better aha - nina

@Pickles group

Hmm…. Anyone who was born before the 1st Century is now hereby part of the Celestial Generation.

I think most pre-1900s generations are just covered in eras. So like Elizabethan, Victorian (my personal favorite), Industrial, etc.

I know about the eras, I was around for them..
So maybe pre-1st century could be the Celestial Era?

Maybe, but it's not really up for us to decide.

It is up for me to decide I’ll have you know. Remember that I am significantly older than all but possibly 1 of you. I decide the name of the Era from when I was born, and if you don’t like it then tough—you’re not in a position to challenge that.

I think she meant those of us not born a gazillion years ago yes, I know it wasn't a gazillion, no, I'm not trying to insult you, I'm just too lazy to go back and look at what you said

@HighPockets group

Hmm…. Anyone who was born before the 1st Century is now hereby part of the Celestial Generation.

I think most pre-1900s generations are just covered in eras. So like Elizabethan, Victorian (my personal favorite), Industrial, etc.

I know about the eras, I was around for them..
So maybe pre-1st century could be the Celestial Era?

Maybe, but it's not really up for us to decide.

It is up for me to decide I’ll have you know. Remember that I am significantly older than all but possibly 1 of you. I decide the name of the Era from when I was born, and if you don’t like it then tough—you’re not in a position to challenge that.

You can't name a generation.
That's up to historians.
You can call it whatever you want, but that's not its name unless people who specifically study it say so.
If you don't like it, tough. You're not in a position to change that.

@HighPockets group

As for the "I'm old so I can change it" argument, that's not how any of this works?? I can't say "Gen Z sucks as a name, I'm calling us The Raiding Generation" because it isn't up to us, it's up to professionals. I don't give a flying fuck how old you are, unless you're a historian who specifically studies that era, you have no say on what it's called. You can call it whatever you want in your head, but you can't make up some pretentious name for a generation that's literally ancient history.

@The-Magician group

I still don’t know what it means to be a boomer, but I don’t really care. You need to get off your high horse and get the idea that you think you can tell me what I can and can’t do out of your head. You do not own me, you do not control what I do. You are not my host.
So don’t fucking think that you have the right to make judgement over what I do/say.

@HighPockets group

You're the one on a high horse. I don't care how old you say you are, you don't have a say in what scientific professionals call an era. You know why? Because you're so fucking obnoxious with your whole "ooooh I'm a demon! Ugh you humans suck, you're not worth my time" shtick, and it's annoying as fuck. You cannot name an entire fucking era whatever pseudointellectual bullshit you want just because you were supposedly born then. You just can't.
Also, thanks for the vaguepost in your little chat, that was soooo nice of you <3

@The-Magician group

That’s quite alright.
I love salty people.
And I’ll have you know I’m not a demon, nor do I care about your stupid “scientific” crap. Yes, I’m obnoxious, but that isn’t going to change all because one little girl finds me annoying.
If you have a problem with me, leave, because I ain’t going anywhere.